Birthday Surprises: Third Person

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A quiet Weasley house is not normal. Harry not waking up to Ron's snores is not normal. Being woken up by a heavy object being dropped onto one's stomach, is not normal. "Wake up!"
"Happy Birthday!"
"What?" Is all said at the same time, by various people. Ron, looking half-asleep has his arm around Hermione, and Ginny is sitting on Harry's stomach.

"Gin, you're killing him," Ron says, a laugh in his words. Harry feels someone (who he assumes to be Ginny) place his glasses over his eyes.

"Happy Birthday mate," Ron grins, holding Teddy.

Harry grunts in response, closing his eyes again. "Harry, wake up," Ginny shakes him, getting off of him.


At this, the others snicker. Finally, he opens his eyes and sits up.

"Happy birthday," Ginny says, kissing him, aware of Ron and Hermione in the room. Harry, being caught off guard, kisses back only after a second.

"We're still in the room," Ron coughs, causing Harry to pull back. Ginny rolls her eyes, but nevertheless stands, urging Harry to get out of bed.

The four teens make their way downstairs to find Mrs. Weasley. The woman Harry had grown to think of as the motherly figure in his life. He couldn't imagine his life without the Weasley's, who had become way more than just his best mate's family. He also felt bad, suddenly wondering if the boys and Ginny felt like he had just inserted himself into the family.

"Why so glum?" Ginny joked, elbowing him in the ribs.

He didn't get to reply because just as they reached the first floor, he was engulfed by a cloud of red hair. One that no doubtfully belonged to the one and only, Molly Weasley.

"Oh Molly, let the boy breathe will ya?" Arthur's voice spoke.

"Happy Birthday son," Mr. Weasley said, putting his coffee mug down and making his way towards Harry.

It mean the world to be called son, and the size Harry had decided his heart had swelled up to was nearly impossible to handle. He hugged both Weasley's, thanking them.

"Any plans, my dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"No I was thinking of heading to Hogwarts for a bit before going to fix up the house," Harry explained, taking a hold of Ginny's hand.

"Well make sure to be done before six... I've invited some people over for tea," Molly says, sitting at the table to continue eating her toast.

Harry didn't know how to reply, he'd known this family for nearly 7 years, and had yet to get used to their kindness. He saw Ron grinning, and Hermione was smiling. Weasley parties definitely had to be the best.

"We'll make sure he's here mum," Ginny says, kissing her mother on the cheek, and pulling Harry towards the chimney.

The four make their way to Hogwarts; using floo powder to get to Hogsmade, and walking to the rest of the way to the castle. A lot of changes had definitely been made, many for the best, but the idea behind each house remained the same.

"Isn't it weird?" Hermione asked.
"We grew up here... and for many muggle borns like myself... this was the only place we could actually be ourselves," she continued.
"Now it's all in ruins..."

"And it's like all our memories were destroyed with the castle...?" Ginny asked.

"But now those memories are building up a new castle, where we will have the opportunity to create new ones," Luna said, trying to make her friends feel better, but also meaning every word she said.

Forget The Past- Hinny fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora