Chapter 3

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The pair just stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, both stood awkwardly, eyes wide and mouths scarcely agape. Paula blinked, 2D mimicked.



"...Ch'yeah." The vocalist scratched the back of his blue head, fidgeting slightly. He regained his posture then scooted a little closer to the desk where Paula stood, hands by her side and an almost melancholy expression painted on her face. "...'Ow's life treatin' yew, then?"

"It's been all right," the guitarist gave a thoughtful smile, her eye expression turning slightly wistful. "And you?"

"Been awright, as well. Not the best lately, but it'll prob'ly get better," 2D gave his famously short, nerdy laugh. It twung at the girl's heartstrings a little bit - just a little bit..

"Why's it not been good lately?"

"Ehh... Murdoc, fings with the band, personal feelings, fings like that..."

"Ah, that bastard. That's a shame, though, I was really glad you were happy." This wasn't a lie.

"Awh, aha... Erm, we could a'ways go for a drink some time, yeah? If yew'd like that, I mean."

Paula smiled wider now, her body still stiff as a board. "Yeah. I would like that."

The frontman smiled back, his gappy teeth making the ex-band member giggle as she noticed his gold tooth.

"So," Paula began. "I'll probably get the sack if I don't get to cutting your hair, hun."

"Oh, yeh... Sorry about that, love."

"No worries! Come on,"

The musicians made their way over to a swingy chair, which 2D naturally found amusement out of by swinging in circles while Paula set up the equipment. Mid-swinging session, the ex-guitarist grabbed the chair, pulling it back so that 2-D stared up into a pair of forgotten chestnut eyes. The memories fell from them, down, into his black eyes, drowning his brain with a lonely feeling.

Paula blinked, sharing the same feeling.

It was even more awkward due to the radio playing Penguin by Christina Perri. Fortunately, the song changed over to a better song, more up-beat song. The frontman sniffed, turning his head to the left slightly. Paula straightened up, exhaling all the tension from that moment of bliss, then turned on the taps, tipping her ex-boyfriend's blue locks into the sink until the azure was soaked. She added shampoo, conditioner, and could easily tell the vocalist was enjoying it very much, which gave her a big smirk. He obviously hadn't had a lot of intimate contact with anyone for a long time, then again, neither had she...

"Heard your new song out, I really like it," she spoke sweetly, a little nervous about sounding fake or genuine. It was genuine, though.

"Yeh, I fink iss really good as well, Paul! I mean, me and Murdoc nicked a bit of it, but I did the vocals so, y'know..."

Her mind lingered when he called her 'Paul'. His happy tone always made her giddy.

"Do Ya Thing, isn't it? Your singing's lovely as ever,"

"Fanks. We're doin' the music video in a couple days, thass why I'm getting me 'aircut finally!"

"Well, I promise to do a good job!" she giggled, snipping away at his over-grown layers.

"Look at 'er, knew she'd be just as bad as the others. F*ckin' flirting. I swear, these girls all came from the slums they did, they must 'ave!"

"Oh, shut up, 'e looks 'appy, that's all that matters. 'E'll give a good rep. for us, that means..."

May and the other employee looked over at the pair from behind the glass door of the room with the coffee machine in (they hadn't named it yet, and it wasn't a relaxtion room nor was it a lounge considering there was more drama in there than there was in the shop itself). Paula and 2-D were laughing happily, beautiful smiles on their faces as they spoke to each other in chilled out voices, almost as if they'd known each other for years.

"There, now we'll dry and hope for the best that I did you justice,"



"So... what do you think?"

2-D looked in the mirror at his silky, dried hair (A/N: It looks like it does in the Do Ya Thing video D:). He thoughtfully smiled, then nodded in approval. "I like it!"

Paula sighed, releaved, and gave her hands a clap. "Phew." Good review, hopefully.

Which meant extra pay.


"I awready paid for the appointment earlier, so... whenever yer shift's over, we can go for a drink or summfink, yeah?" He gave her a wink.

That was odd.

Fame must've boosted up his confidence a bit more than she'd expected.

"Can't pull the old number in the note then, can you?"

"Oi, tha' wos yew 'oo started that!"

"Worked, though."

He laughed. "...Yeh... heh. Well, I could jus' ask yer boss person if she'd let yew take a day off wiv me. I-If you want that,"

She loved the way he'd always make sure she was okay with going about something, it reminded her of the way he was before Gorillaz. Before Gorilla, even.

"I'd actually love that, Stu!"

The frontman bit his lip with his remaining teeth - which, of course, was to great difficulty. Stu... No one had called him that in a long time, excluding his mum and dad - whom were the first people he went to visit once Gorillaz evacuated Plastic sodding Beach!

Yeh..." he smiled sadly, walking over to the desk where May stood. A terrible case of nostalgia had just washed over the ex-lovers.

"Hello, Mr. Pot! Lovely haircut, we chose the best for you!" she gestured to Paula.

"Er, just 2-D. I wos wondering if yew could let this lovely lady off fer today."

"Oh?" her smiled faded. "Why's that, Mr. 2D?"

"I get well lonely!" he blew up all of a sudden. "Would be nice 'aving a mate that wouldn't smash me 'ead against the wall, yeah?"

"Oh, oh! Of course. Of course, Mr. 2D... Uh, Paula, you can have the day off, love."

"Um," she looked around hesitantly. "Thanks!" she kept her eyes fixed on May, her crooked teeth formed into a forced smile, when stab of extreme shock pierced through her. 2D had slid his arm around her waist.

She stood there for a little while, eyes sort of staring at nothing - like 2D's were when she first met him. She was a bit stiff against his body, which was considerably more muscular than it had ever been before, but he was very soft and comfy as she leaned against him slightly, waiting for him and her manager to finish their conversation. Even the walk with him to the pub was awkward (but it would've taken a zombie apocalypse for her to have wanted to move), all the while 2D didn't unhook his arm from her hips.

It was one of those tender, take-my-breath-away days...

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