Chapter 5

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Madi's POV

Sam was sweet.

Stella howled with laughter at my pathetic compliment.

It's your compliment, too! I argued.

Touchè. She went silent. I continued running to my campsite. Along the way, I caught scent of a squirrel. Killing it quickly, I finished the trip back to camp. It was a rather large squirrel, and would be enough food to get me through tomorrow morning.

The squirrel was delicious, and tasted like chicken, as cliché as it sounds. With a happy stomach, I fell asleep, my dreams plagued with Sam and our Ying-Yangs.


I bolted up and prepared to defend myself. My wolf sensed no danger, but seemed distracted. In front of me, someone was crouching in front of the fire, which was crackling. Not knowing who it was, I took a blinded swipe with my fist. It made contact with the stranger's head. They fell to the ground, and I saw Sam's face looking up at me, his hand cradling the side of his head.

"Well, hello to you too." He said sarcastically. I helped him up, speaking quickly, "Oh my goddess! I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you! I-" I was silenced by his soft lips on mine. I tasted strawberry, like my mother's jam she used to make me every harvest. I melted into his arms. Everything felt so right. The two of us, the omega and the soon-to-be Alpha.

Wait... Alpha!

I shoved myself away. In surprise, Sam fell back again, and I watched as hurt dominated his expression. A shiver coursed my body as I turned away from him. My wolf whimpered. Finding Sam's shirt in my lean-to, I picked it up and tossed it to him. "Thanks for that." I spoke softly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him pick it up, and switch his gaze back to me. I sat down under the lean-to, and put my arms on my knees. Stella whined, wanting to be close to her mate. I didn't move, no matter how much she begged me. Sam slowly made his way over to me, reminding me a predator stalking its prey. I looked away from him as he sat next to me. We sat in silence before he spoke again. "I thought you might want to redo your wrist." I stared at him, confusion filling my thoughts. Sam reached into his pockets, and pulled out a black marker. Holding it out to me, he smiled. I had to admit, it was thoughtful. I nodded quickly, and grabbed the marker. The fresh ink looked dark and bold on my now tanned skin. In moments, I had a new perfect Yin-Yang.

Stella purred like a cat. I sighed as I felt calmness surround me. It must have been obvious, because Sam laughed a little bit. I threw him the dirtiest look I could muster. He stopped laughing and pretended to zip his mouth shut. I groaned and turned my head away from him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sam pull something out from behind him. "You want a s'more?" He asked, holding the package out to me.

I looked at him again. He did indeed have everything necessary, right down to the roasting sticks. You aren't going to refuse your favorite snack, are you? Stella snickered. I accepted his offer, and soon enough, two marshmallows were being held above the fire. No, Stella. I wouldn't say no to s'mores. Even if it is from the Alpha's son. My marshmallow finally reached perfection: slightly gooey in the middle, while golden all around the sides. Sam's marshmallow was on fire, and he couldn't put it out. I blew it out for him, and found a crumbling black mess beneath the flames. 

I laughed as he compared his disaster to my delectable treat. I put the chocolate on the graham crackers then placed the marshmallow on as well. Sam threw out the burned mallow, and held another over the fire with his roasting stick. My s'more was gone in seconds. I felt his gaze burning into my head, and more importantly, my s'more. His marshmallow caught fire once again. I plucked out a marshmallow, and stuck it on my stick. Sam watched me closely. Once my mallow was perfect, again, I pulled it out, and made another s'more. "How do you do that, and make it look so easy?" He exclaimed.

"Here." I moved towards him, and put a marshmallow on his stick. He stole my s'more and ate it instantly. "Hey!" He smirked at me. "Fine. I won't teach you to make your own." He swallowed nervously, and watched my hands. " Sorry." He muttered. I quickly explained how to perfectly cook a mallow. When I pulled it out from the fire, Sam was staring at my face. I made his mallow into a s'more and handed it to him. He pushed it back to me. "Since I ate your s'more." he gave me a heart-clenching smile. I took the s'more, and ate it quickly. I felt some marshmallow on the corner of my mouth. Sam leaned forward and, unprepared, I was captured in another kiss.

Sam started to dominate the kiss. He asked me for entrance and I refused. He didn't press that further. When we finally separated, to catch our breath, I noticed the marshmallow on my mouth was gone. My cheeks reddened, but the moment was ended when Sam's eyes glazed over. Mindlink. What if Alpha knows he is with us, and we get punished? What if Sam gets punished? Stella paced circles around my head. Sam stood quickly. "I-I have to go." He sounded nervous. "Why? What's wrong? " I stood up with him. He shook his head, "It's nothing. I just need to go back to the pack house.  My dad, well, let's say it's not his best day." Stella whined. I didn't do anything to stop the wave of disappointment crash over me, but I quickly hid it.  Sam rubbed the back of his neck nervously, and I noticed his neck was a bit red. Swallowing, I nodded and hung my head. He sighed, and leaned towards me. His fingers lifted my head, once again leaving me unprepared for the kiss. It was quick, unlike our last one. My eyes slowly opened only to find myself alone. Wow. That was kind of rude. what was his deal? Stella's attitude switched like a light switch. She's the most bipolar wolf there could ever be. Hey! Not cool! I'm just confused about him. His wolf ignored me!  I admit, that is weird. She agreed and I felt her move to the back of my mind. Looking around, my eyelids started getting heavy. Sleep beckoned to me, and I obliged. I crashed as soon as I laid down.


Hey guys!

Sorry that this is kinda a filler chapter. School has been hectic, family, and another story i am working on that may include characters from this book. NO IT WILL NOT BE A DIRECT SEQUEL! I just said it MIGHT have some of the characters. I didn't think I would be able to post this chapter, but lucky you! My cousin was breathing down my neck. (Here you go, Bug!)

I love Sam and Madi! They are just! OTP to the max!

Your Welcome.


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