Chapter 2

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Thank you fellow wattpaders for commenting and voting (*≧m≦*)

and the video is what I watch when I'm bored and it always makes me laugh :)


The 20 minutes ride back home was amazing. I was able to forget about what I needed to do later on that day. Instead, I was singing random songs that came up on the radio.

I hopped off the car after thanking Amy. A big smile was splattered all over my face, but that had to be ripped away from me by my mom slamming the door open,

“WHERE IN GOD’S NAME WHERE YOU?!?!?!?” My smile turned upside down, as I ran to the gate.

The second I entered the front door; my mom had me by my hair.

“You useless bitch!  Why can’t you get home when you are told to?” She dragged me by my ear up into my room and threw me in. “I want you downstairs in meeting room 209 in 3 minutes, make sure to wear something acceptable.” She cast a glance at my hair, which was currently pulled back into a messy bun. “And for god’s sake, do something useful with your hands and tame your hair…” Without another glance, she slammed the door in my face.

I heard her heels clicking down the stairs and I let out a small sigh. I walked into my closet. And a few minutes later, I came out with a dress shirt, white camisole tank top, denim skirt, and a red flats with a small ribbon. I than pulled my hair into a side ponytail and let my natural curls make a waterfall effect.

I ran down to the second floor and skidded to a stop in front of meeting room number 209. I patted down my loose hair and wrinkles and knocked on the door. My mom opened the door to inspect my outfit. She gave me an approving nod and led me in.

On the other side of the meeting table, sat a man in his late 50’s who I knew to be George Monterrano, the director of a recent Oscar award winner movie, ’20 Little Things’, and his son Jayden Monterrano. Jayden is not that well known. Although his father did give him a small roll in ’20 Little Things’, but his big break hasn’t come, in other words, the same level as my stepbrother.

“Hello dear, you must be Ashleigh.” Mr. Monterrano said. I nodded a reply, and he continued. “Ms. Dunnet, your family and I have been thinking about doing a reality TV show on Jack’s life. And to be able to do this, we need to have your permission to film you at your home and at your school since you and your brother attend the same school.”

I looked at my mother to find her staring, no glaring at me in a way that screamed ‘don’t you even dare saying no to this’ I sighed, I really didn’t have nothing to lose by saying this, I just needed to wait for people to realize how much of a jerk Jack is to me, or he may even stop the whole  ‘you are my slave, not my sister’ idea.  After all, he needs to create a ‘nice guy’ image for the public.

“Since Jack already has all of the right guys to work for him, finding a manager, publicist, speech maker, etc. won’t be necessary.” This was true, for some odd reason, mother decided to get Jack a whole team of staffs who could have been more useful working under people such as Lady Gaga, or Justin Bieber. “However, I also do want my son to appear in this show, therefore, he will pretend to be Jack’s best friend, and will be around your home a lot.

I simply kept on nodding in reply, showing that I understood what he was saying and I was willing to do whatever is needed to be done. I also had a fake smile plastered on my face, trying to act like a caring and loving stepsister who truly cared about her stepbrother’s career, when I honestly didn’t give a damn. In fact, I wouldn’t care if he got involved in a serious car accident, or if he got kidnapped, I mean he was the reason I only had Amy as my friend. Did I tell you that Jack was the only reason I only have one friend?

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 25, 2011 ⏰

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