They Were Dead, How Can This happen?

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---Chloe's POV---

everything was black, and I couldn't see anything, I then hear a voice saying "Take The blind fold off"

I did as it said and everything in the room was. ........ PINK!?!

I said loud enough so the 'person' can hear, I said "Where am I?"

I then saw the figure, it slowly came out from the shadow and said "I am...."

I finally saw the figure and it was...... Vincent!?!,, He finished his sentence with "I am....  your dad"

my eyes widen and I studdered "B-but You and Mom d-dead in a f-fire, How are y-ou alive?"

He smiled and said "ohh we're a 100% alive honey"

I got up from the pink chair and ran to him and gave him a hug then I heard him say "your mom is alive"

I looked up at him and said "Where is she?"

He patted my head and said "in the Drawing room, waiting"

I smiled and we both went down to the Drawing Room, as we were walking I breathed in, and smelled my favorite cake getting made, My favorite food called 'Cheesecake'

He looked at me and said "Isn't it Beautiful?"

I stopped smelling the fresh bread smell and nodded, we both passed 'Vincent's Office' and there was silence, so I begin so say in my head How Is this all real?

I shrugged it off and we both made it to the Drawing Room, he knocked on the door and I heard Rachel's voice saying "Come in"

(idk if I spelled her name right)

We both came in and I saw her reading a book,  she looked over at us and said "oh Hello dear"

I smiled and said "Hi mom"

She smiled back and said "come sit"

I nodded and sit in my chair that I used to sit in, she putted her book away and said "Guess what dear?"

I smiled and said "what is it mom?"

She smiled and said "You have your own...." Then there was alot of static coming. ......from. .... her

I stopped smiling and looked at her, she was twitching like she was 'buffering'  or something

She stoped and said "You have your own butler"

I gave her a fake smile and said "sounds awesome, whats his or hers name?

She smiled and replied "her name is......"

the static came back and froze everything but me, I looked around and everything was stuck and all I heard was static

A few mins later, everything and everyone was frozen, my eyes widen and I shouted "EVERYTHING IS....... FAKE!!"

and just like that everything went black and I heard a deep voice saying "You finally found out"

I nodded and everything went to the real world, I woke up on the ground and a voice said

"Let the Game.... Begin....."

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