Rin Akino

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NAME: Rin Akino
Nickname: Kasai (meaning Fire)
Age: 15

Specialties: Firebender

Village: Hidden Rain Village
Killing Catchphrase: "I hope you burn... Painfully!"


~Third Person POV~

It was a nice day in the Hidden Rain Village... well, it wasn't for Rin. Everyone in the Village thinks Rin is a demon since she is a Firebender in a water village. Whenever someone has the chance, they throw rocks at her and yell at her which caused her to leave her village one day. Rin then tries to find an Akatsuki so she could ask to join but failed, luckily an ex-Akatsuki member found her and jumped in front of her which scared Rin and she automatically got into a fighting position

Rin: Who are you and what do you want?!

Miyuki just chuckles

Miyuki: I heard that you wanted to be an Akatsuki

Rin growled

Rin: So what?

Miyuki chuckled again, being very amused

Miyuki: You don't want to join them, they are weak. Trust me, I know. They trained me and now I'm stronger than them, come with me.

Rin: what makes you think that I believe you?

Miyuki: You don't have to believe me but I want you to be with me, be apart of a group stronger than the Akatsuki


Miyuki sighed then suddenly Rin was in a water ball which shocked her

Miyuki: It'll be useless to fight me, I'm a mage

Rin eyes widened in shocked by the news then soon holds onto her throat from lack of air, so Miyuki released her and turns her back to her

Miyuki: hmm maybe you shouldn't join me, since I defeated you too easily

Miyuki was about to walk away but was stopped when Rin spoke up

Rin: I'm a Firebender...

Miyuki smirks then walks over to her

Miyuki: What is your name, Firebender

Rin: Rin Akino, I'm from the Hidden Rain Village

Miyuki: A firebender in a water village, very interesting, come with me

Miyuki help out her hand which Rin took with no hesitations which caused Miyuki to smile which made Rin smile too

Miyuki: With our unique abilities, we will be the strongest ninja group that ever lived. But, to be even stronger, we would need more members. For now let's take you to your new home.

~ Rin's POV ~

I followed the silvered hair women when the realization hits me

Me: Um, Sorry but I don't know anything about you

The lady stops and slowly turns to me with a straight face and was silent for a second to seem more dramatic

The lady stops and slowly turns to me with a straight face and was silent for a second to seem more dramatic

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Silver haired lady: My name is Miyuki Keiko, And I'm the Missing Princess of Konoha...

I could have sworn my eyes grew wide in shock, This beautiful women in front of me.. is a Princess?! My first reaction was bowing but that seemed to annoyed her so I quickly stood up

Me: If you're a Princess then why were you with the Akatsuki?

Miyuki: To become stronger...

Me: But You said so yourself that your stronger than all of them, why not go back to your Village?

Miyuki: Because I'm a criminal now... They don't deserve me

Both of us were suddenly silent and the soft wind blew around us which caused Miyuki to look around with a light glare

Miyuki: Come.. We should be going before someone find us

I nodded then Miyuki jumped back onto the trees and starts running, I quickly followed her to my new home


Miyuki suddenly stopped which nearly caused me to bump into her but I managed to stop myself from doing so.

Miyuki: We're here..

I stepped to the side and just see trees and grass below us and see no base anywhere. I was about to say something but then Miyuki bent down and touched the ground then suddenly the grass in front of us separated and that's when I saw stairs leading downwards to a an archway in the ground, Miyuki then looks at me

Miyuki: Once you've settled in, I'll give you provide your own opening to the base

She then walked down the stairs and I quickly followed, She opened the door and walks inside then closes the door when I walked in. At first it was dark but then fire torches started to lit up and the whole base was brighten yet all I saw was a long hallway with wooden doors along the sides

Miyuki: Choose any room you would like to stay in... just not the one at the end of the Hallway, That is my room...., There's a kitchen with food and water, a training ground and entertainment. Once I've collected enough people, I'll start forming The Sirens..

Me: 'The Sirens'? what on earth is that?

She slowly turned to me with a small smirk

Miyuki: An Organisation filled with beauty, killers and incredible power... Our Organisation..

My eyes widen

Me: Wait... I'm apart of 'The Sirens'?!

All she did was smirk wider then walks down the halls with a chuckle then disappeared into her room. I stood there for a bit to let everything sink in before looking to the right and enter through the first door which was a bedroom, I looked around before closing the door and walked over to the bed and sat down on it. The floor was still wooden and the walls were white with even more fire touches, there was a small wardrobe and an empty shelf. That's it. No windows at all.

Me: (Muttering) I'm sure a little bit of decoration would feel like home..

But she took a deep yawn and lied down on the bed, she was exhausted from what had happened in less than 24 hours and fell asleep with a smile

She was finally free

~ Third Person POV ~

Miyuki locked herself in her room and sighed lightly, ashamed at how easy it was to recruit Rin since she loves a challenge, but she couldn't let her go since Rin had Incredible power and she'd tracked her for a long time.

She moved past all of the silk lying all over the floor which leads up to a messy table in the corner of her room, she walked up to the middle of her room where a table with a crystal ball stood. She went down on her knees and touched the crystal ball which made it glow and starts to show many faces of different ninja's, and starts another search for a new member


HELLO!!!! :D

I'm so sorry that this took FOREVER!!!

I kept getting writers block and I'm running out of ideas T_T

SO probably from now on, whatever happens in this story would not be any episodes from Naruto... mainly since i'm still not up to Shippuden >_<


New Years is here soon and I promised to upload before the year finished so TA-DAH!


A late gift from me to you :3

and I shall write to you guys again next year


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