Cuts Heal But Scars Are Forever

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this it the first story Ive started in about six years mostly because i couldn't really write then so its probably not very good so please vote & comment to tell me what you think :):)

This story contains violence/drugs/underage drinking/graphic scenes/rape/swearing/girl-girl so if you don't like that i suggest that you don't read it :) :) sorry about any spelling errors or anything like that.

would anyone care if i disappeared? Probably not hmmm well  no-one important anyway, I mean how could anyone care what happened to a pathetic girl like me someone so wrapped up in her own head she barley notices the world around her. Not that anyone cares but my name is Sofia Morgan, I'm 15, I'm average  height for my age, i have straight black hair down to my waist and metallic blue eyes (that's what people say anyway i think their just dull) i like to read and cook, people call me a loner but I'm not i just dislike being touched and people have a tendency to touch. okay i guess its time to open my eyes because my alarm is screaming (literally) heh i know my parents hate it that's why i keep as an alarm stupid i know but i like whatever annoys them, payback for making my take piano lessons since i was 5. I never play piano anymore, I push my quilt off and stand up hmm my alarm must have died when i threw it off the table.I pick my clothes for the day black skinny jeans, black long sleeve shirt and black boats then go to my bathroom.


 (1 hour later)

Walking down the stairs i look around and wish i could leave this house, HATE it here stuck with parents that only care about themselves, being perfect and what others think but there never around so i rarely see them anyway.

I glance at the clock hanging on the wall 7:45 guess I'm gonna be late.......  again. BANG BANG i glance up startled i didn't notice i had walked to the door, i should open it but i know whose going to be there and i really wanted to be late to school. BANG BANG BANG BANG god if i don't open this door hes never gonna shut up.

i yank the door open and say without looking at the person there


idiot aka my annoying neighbor Mackenzie Walker hes a geek, kinda tall, blond messy hair and blue eyes hidden behind black thick rimmed glasses. Hes been living next door to me for 11years now we were friends once that was before, i don't have friends now how can you have friends when you cant trust.

"I-i-i-i" the idiot stuttered

"I-i-i-i what spit it out stupid"

i don't know why he still talks to me I'm horrible to him why wont he just go away.

"iwantedtointroduceyoutothenewgirlwhomovedinacrosstheroadbeforeidrivehertoschool"he mumbled

He mumbles incoherently when hes nervous he does that alot around me.

"Speak slower"

"i wanted to introduce you to the new girl who moved in across the road before i drive her to school"

I turn my head and look at the shaking girl next to him, why is she shaking its a hot summers day the suns reflecting off of her glasses   ohhhh shes scared of me i let  a tiny grin slip on my lips highly amusing could me fun to mess with her.

"are your glasses broken"

"W-what n-no"

"Hmph okay"i smirked

the new girl pulled her glasses off and cleaned them on her shirt, a nervous habit maybe? and looked up at me she has bright green eyes their beautiful, she notices me staring and shoves her glasses on nearly poking herself in the eye, shes clumsy its kinda cute.

"I'm O-O-Olivia M-M-Mayla a-and i'm 16" she says shyly as she tucks her dirty blond hair behind her ears

"M-m-my mum p-p-picked t-these clothes out"

"I can tell"

"Umm its nice t-t-o m-m-eet you"

"You think so"


"Your highly mistaken" I say as i slam the door in there face, ill go to school later.

(a/n please tell me if you think i should keep writing this sorry its so short not sure what else to write now )

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