Story 4

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What if I'm Dying?

It was a sunny morning, everything was as usual. The sky was blue, the sun was quite strong shining on the earth. I was rushing to class as usual. I guessed my friends all were in the class by that time. I was pretty late that day but still I wouldn't miss looking up in the sky and felt the heat of the sun. I was sweating and ran across the street.

"HONKKKKK... " "Are you crazy!" Yes, it was more like a statement rather than a question, sweet.

"I'm sorry." I was lucky enough, that car nearly hit me. This was one of my weaknesses, I rarely looked at the street properly before I cross the road. Oh by the way, I kind of forgot to introduce myself. "Hi! I am Jaslyn. Nice to meet you."

Okay, let's get moving on. I was lucky again when I was just on time for class that morning. Then, the day went as per usual, I slept in most of the classes. Classes are just too boring for me or should I say that because I slept at 4 a.m. in the morning, that was why I slept in most of the classes.

After class, I asked some of my friends to accompany me to watch this one latest movie and they all agreed. So, we went out. 


Well, typical me, never really look carefully for cars on the road. There was this one car driving on the road and I guessed that I never really cared about it and crossed the road, right before my friend could hold my hand to stop me. And guessed what? I wasn't that lucky this time.

"JASLYN!" And there went a huge crowd around me and I could feel so much blood flowing out from my body. I felt cold. Am I dying?

The next thing I saw was me lying there, on the white bed with all of the wires and my friends were all gone, I saw my pale face and my mum was next to me, crying. "What's wrong with me? Am I dead? But if I am dead, why am I still on oxygen mask?" I was so confused. Where were my friends? Why was I put into the hospital? Then, I remembered, they screamed my name, my friends, they were all yelling at my face, I was hit by that car, I didn't get lucky that time. "Shit! I knew this will happen one day, but I didn't expect it is this fast, I am only 19 years old."

I waited for days, there was no signs of anyone else besides my family members who came to visit me. Great, they didn't even miss me. He didn't come to visit me. Well, he might not know what happen to me anymore, he would not care about it if he knew anyway. So, what was I waiting for? For a miracle to happen? For all the people I knew came to visit me? I was so pathetic, even when I was dying, I still craved for the attention of the people I thought I was close too, and I thought he would come and find me. 



It was a weekend, they came. They were finally here! My friends, they explained so much about why they couldn't come to visit me earlier. Some of them were at the hospital but they weren't allowed to enter my room, simply because only family members were allowed in emergency ward. Now that I was put into normal ward, they finally came to really visit me, they looked really worry and they brought all sorts of stuffs, mostly books. They even read for me. They knew me the best.

Then, I saw my best friend. She brought me nothing, nothing but tears. The rest left the room.

"Jaslyn, you gotta stay strong. We are all here for you. Your family loves you, so do we. Don't leave us just yet, I still want to hear your stupid jokes, your laughter and your silly faces."

I understood her. I knew I still had so many people around me. But I was so tired. I wanted to rest, I lived such a great life, with so many friends and my family loved me more than a daughter could ever asked, they never leave me alone no matter what. I was really tired of fighting though, this pain was unbearable. 

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