The Secret

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        It was 7:00 pm Harry and Katy were waiting for Harry's friends then the doorbell rang they were 4 boys

"Katy that is Niall , Zayn , Liam and Louis". Harry said

"That is Katy guys". Harry said

"Hi". Katy said

"Hey". They said

They went to the living room Harry , Katy and Niall sat on the couch

Zayn , Louis and Liam sat on another couch

Niall is the nearest to Harry , Harry tell him everything and Niall tell him everything too

"Niall I want to tell you something". Harry whispered to Niall

"Ok". Niall whispered to Harry

"One minute guys". Harry said

"Take your time". Louis said

Harry took Niall and went to his room they sat on a small couch

"So tell me". Niall said

"I am in love with someone". Harry said

"What?!..........Who is she ?". Niall said

"She is Katy". Harry said

"You mean Katy your slave". Niall said he was shocked

"Yeah......She is cute , smart , kind , and beautiful". Harry said

Harry stood up he walked through the window he opened it then he looked to the moon

"Did you tell to her anything". Niall said

"No". Harry said

"Does she know that you love her". Niall said

"No". Harry said

"Do you know if she love you or no". Niall said

"I don't know but she told me that her friend is coming today so I can ask her to ask Katy if she is in love with someone or no ". Harry said

Then the doorbell rang it was Katy's friend her name is Emily

Harry went down stairs he opened the Katy came she hugged her

"That is Emily my friend". Katy said

"That is Harry , Niall , Louis , Liam and Zayn". Katy said

"Hello". Pearl said

"Hey". They said

Emily was a girl with galsses she got a long yellow hair and brown eyes she was cute

Harry went and stood beside Emily and he whispered something in her ear

"I want you for a minute". Harry said

"Ok". Emily said

He took her to the kitchen

"I know that you are Katy's best friend". Harry said

"Yeah". Emily said

"You know everything about her". Harry said

"Yeah". Emily said

"Did Katy fall in love with someone ?". Harry said

"No". Emily said

"Can you please ask her a question ?". Harry said

"Of course.......What is the question". Emily said

"If she in love with some one now". Harry said

"Ok". Emily said

They went out of the kitchen

"I am hungry". Nill said

They laughed

They bring the food from the kitchen

Emily took Katy's hand they went up stairs

"Can I ask you a question ?". Emily said

"Of course". Katy said

"Are you in love with someone now?". Emily said

"Yeah". Katy said

"Who?!........Please tell me I am your friend". Emily said

Katy looked around her

"Harry". Katy said then she looked down to see him

"What?!......Your master". Emily said and she was shocked

"Yeah". Katy said

Harry called them they went down stairs all of them ate there food then they went to the living room Harry went to the kitchen and he made pop corn he went out then they told him

"We want to see a movie". They said in the same voice

"Ok". Harry said

"What about How To Train Your Dragon 2" . Liam said

"Ok". They said

After the movie it was 12:00 am Emily went to her home but the boys still in the house

Katy went to her room her phone rang it was Pearl her friend in the school she answered

"Hi Katy I miss you". Pearl said

"I miss you too". Katy said

"How are you ?". Pearl said

"I am fine". Katy said

"I want to tell you something". Pearl said

"What ?". Katy said

"It is about your father and your mother". Pearl said

"What is it pleasr tell me ?! ". Katy said

Katy's mother and father someone kill them she don't know who is he until now

You will know what will Pearl tell her the next chapter

I am sorry for not updating from along time but I was in the North Coast and there is no wifi there

I hope that you like this chapter

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This girl in the picture is Katy she is beautiful isn't she ?

I will update soon

Love you guys ♡♡♡♡

There is two secrets in this chapter the first one is that Harry love Katy and she love him too but they don't tell each others the second one is a mystery you will know it in the next chapter

Bye bye

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