He's okay.... now... hopefully

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"So," Bruce starts, "How do we find him now?"

"I put a chip on him. We can track him," Tony spoke up. "Friday, find Steve's location."

"He is, headed for Avengers Tower, sir," she replied.

"Let's get him," Natasha exclaimed.

Iron Man, Thor and Vision were up in the air, Hulk and Black Widow on the roof and Hawkeye on the ground.

Steve soon came by himself in a quintjet. "Captain, stop," Tony ordered.

Steve landed the plane on the ground and came out ready to fight. Nobody gets in the way of Captain America.

Hawkeye goes right up to him and starts fighting with him. Not having very much luck.

Cap throws his shield at Iron Man and it leaves another dent, but still, doesn't effect Stark himself.

Vision manages to get Cap on the ground (with his stomach on the ground) and Thor sets his hammer on his back.

Then, at this point, Natasha and Bruce are at the bottom of the building with everyone else.

"Natasha," Tony asked, "Would you like to do the honors?"

She smiled, "I'm sorry Cap," then she kicked the back of his head, not hard enough to really hurt him, but enough to knock him out.

Tony took him and laid him in the same room with Peggy.

"Peggy," Tony greeted, "You're awake!"

"Yeah," she says holding and icepack to her head, "What's wrong with Steve?"

"Well, do you remember the other day when you were with him and Loki? And Loki did something to Steve? Then he hit you on the back of your head?"


"Well, Loki did a spell-like thing, that messed with his head and made him do things he wouldn't normally do. So Natasha knocked him out and he should be better when he wakes up."

"Thank you for filling me in."

Tony smiled and gave her a warm comforting hug. "No problem."

Then he left. Left Steve and Peggy by themselves. Peggy looks at Steve. He was really, such a gentlemen.

She laid back down and thought about the war. Not just the World War but the emotional war for Peggy when Steve had crashed. Then, she fell asleep again.

Edited February 13, 2016

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