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I left the next morninrg after quick hello to Sam and a Second Breakfast with Pip and Merry. I thought that leaving would be hard, but it was the easiest thing in the world. I had faith that Frodo would be safe with Sam to look after him and that Bilbo would be fine as well.

I traveled home, to Erebor, where I spent nearly ten years next to my old friend, Dwalin and my Uncle Dain. They welcomed me with open arms, but Erebor was never permanent. I couldn't.. I couldn't stay. I was only there for as long as I was because Dain grew ill two years after my arrival.

Terrified of losing my uncle and feeling a sense of responsibility to the throne, I stayed. It took Dain a long time to get better, but he did, and all was well. After Dain recovered, I spent eight more years in the Lonely Mountain.

Eventually, I left. I was beginning to think that maybe I could.. Push down everything I'd been suppressing for the last sixty-some years. Then one day, while I was walking past the King's Tomb.. I knew I had to leave.

It was actually kind on funny, how it all happened. I was literally on my horse, riding out to Dale, when Gimli caught up to me.

"Ariel!" He called. "Arieeeel!"

I slowed my pony and waited for him to catch up. "What is it, Gimli?" I asked.

"A letter." He said. "From Gandalf."

I snapped to attention, instantly on alert. "What does it say?"

"He wants the both of us in Rivendell in a months time." Gimli said. He handed me the letter and I snatched it from him.

Dear Ariel... Ring of Power... Frodo and Sam.. Meeting in Rivendell... You and Gimli as Erebor's representatives... Mordor...

I looked up at Gimli and saw that he had a wicked grim on his heavily bearded face.

"The Ring of Power." I whispered. "Sauron. Oh my God, Frodo." 

The letter slipped through my fingers and fluttered to the ground.

"Ariel, are you okay?" Gimli asked.

"We have to go." I choked out. "Right now. My godson is in trouble."

"Then we ride!" Gimli shouted. "For Frodo!"

"For Frodo." I agreed.

I kicked my pony and we were off. "Hyah!" I yelled.

For the first time since leaving Bag End all those years ago, I was scared for Frodo Baggins.


another crappy chapter from kenna ahahaha i'm so upset

im just trying to shove through the beginning as quickly as i can

actual good quality writing coming soon i promise. i am also disappointed with the content i am producing.

have a lovely day and be happy, my friends. be happy.


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