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Peter didn't know what to do. Should he chase after Bucky? Should he just run back to Aunt May and her friends at the restaurant? His phone buzzed.

"Don't let them know I'm here."

"Who's that?" Natasha asked. Peter looked at her and put his phone in his pocket.

"One of my relatives that I was supposed to be having dinner with right now." He said.

"Well, unfortunately, we still have to ask you a few questions." Steve said.

"Uhhhh, sorry Cap, but I can't." He said as he slowly started to back away. Peter soon felt two hands on his shoulders, and he looked up to face the android, who had somehow gotten behind him.

"I'm afraid that is an order from the Captain, and you are meant to follow it." He said.

"Yeah, well-" and he tried to elbow the android in the face, but instead his elbow bounced right off and he fell to the ground. "SON OF A BISCUIT!"

"Interesting fighting style." The android replied.

"Thanks. I learned it in Japan. Wax on, wax off." Peter groaned as he stood up.

"What?" Steve asked.

"It's from a movie." Natasha explained.

"Not helping." He said. She smiled at him.

"I think I'm helping quite nicely, actually." She replied. Steve rolled his eyes.

"Peter, please. You are one of the few people who has had actual contact with Bucky." Steve said. Peter looked at him, and realized that he didn't look too spiffy. Steve had bags under his eyes, and his hair wasn't the perfectly styled hair he always had. He looked tired and Peter felt bad.

"Caw Caw." Peter mumbled when he looked at Steve's hair again. Talk about having a bird nest for hair...

"What?" The Falcon asked.

"Uhhhhhhh, nothing." Peter replied. "Look, can I please just check on my aunt first? Then.... I'll do whatever you want."

The Avengers looked at each other, and then Steve nodded his head.

"Thank you." Peter replied. He got in his car and drove away back to the restaurant. However, the second he got away from the Avengers, something grabbed his shoulder.

"So, how are we supposed to do this." Bucky said from the back seat. His metal hand was on Peter's shoulder.

"Son of a nutcracker!" Peter said as he swerved and almost hit a car. Peter breathed heavily.

"We don't want to die just yet." Bucky said.

"I think I just lost ten years of my life." Peter said and put one hand over his chest. He looked back at him through one of the mirrors. "How did you get back there. My doors-"

"Were unlocked." Bucky said.

"Oh..." He said. "Uhh, That's weird."

"I mean, they were unlocked after I broke your one handle." Bucky replied. Peter gave him an annoyed look. "Sorry. But, we need to figure this out."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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