Chapter 1: Beatdowns And Bloody Noses

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Kenny's Pov:

"Shit! Shit! Shiiiiitttt!!!" I scream as I run down the halls of South Park High. I was being chased by all the girls. Don't tell anyone, because they already know. I'm Kenneth Mathew McCormick. 16 years old, and the BIGGEST pervert in school.

"Come back here you asshole!!" Nellie screams. I turns around and wave my tounge around like a child. "For girls, you don't run very fast!" I call back and laugh. As I'm turning back, the janitor was there with the trash can. I try to stop myself in time, but I'm to late.

I fall head first into the trash can. Man, I can be an idiot sometimes! The trash can rolls down the halls. "Ahhh!" I shout. The wheels squeak as it rolls. I finally hear I bump and it falls over. Causing me to fall out, and slam into a door.

Principle Victoria's door! Ironic right?! Well, now that that cliches out of the way. Why don't we bring out the jock, hangin with the nerd girl. Just kidding, we already have that cliche. It's Stan and Wendy! They are like OTP together! But anyway, so I think I lost the girls... Because I don't hear them anymore.

I sigh and run my fingers through my blonde hair. Principle Victoria opens the door, "Mister McCormick, I got a call from Annie and Bebe that you were taking naked pictures of them in the bathroom" she says in a stern voice. "Misses Victoria, Adam and Eve were naked. And if they had phones, I'm sure he would be taken pics of her ass!" I smile sweetly.

She nods her head. "Mister McCormick, that was your excuse last Tuesday..." My smile fades, damn! When's this old bitch gonna die! "Mister McCormick, I'll see you in detention" she finally decides. "Aw, Vicky! You don't have to do that!" I whine, sounding like a five year old.

The grey frizzy haired lady turns around and flips me off. "Dammit!" I shout again. All of the sudden, I'm falling again! I can feel my face hit the ground, and almost break the rest of my teeth. "Ow! Can't I get a freakin break!!" I shout.

"Quiet being a baby, McCormick. Your not dead..." I hear a certain nasal voice say. I look up, to see a raven haired Craig Tucker. He's got a dark blue jacket on, ripped skinny jean, and blue converses on. Oh, and can't forget the hat. He holds his hand out for me to take. I smile and garb it, then I pull him down with me.

"Jerk! Watch where your going!" I giggle. He chuckles a little too. As he laughs, I can see his tounge ring that he got for his 13th b-day.

"Sorry McCormick, I was in a rush... That old bitch gave me detention again" he gets up. "No way, you too?!" I yell. "Yeah, I was trying to flip Cartman off. But then he walked out of the way, and I accidentally flipped a nun off instead. She reported it to the bitch in there, and not I have dentation for a month. I'm probably gonna skip..." Craig sighs and takes his hat off.

I pat his back, "Can I join? I'd rather do anything than listen to Mr. Hat lecturing me about my posture" Craig looks up at me and slips his hat on. "Sure, why the hell not!" He gets up and offers his hand again. I grab it and get up.

I hate to admit it, but Craig is taller than me. Everyone is these days. I used to tower everybody. But now I'm only taller than Butters, Tweek, and Kyle.

"Crrraaaiiiggg! I'm sad about being shorts!!" I whine leaning my head on his arm. He pats my back, "There, there. Your gonna make me cry in a minute" he said in his blank way.

All of the sudden Craig grabs my hand and pulls me into a closet. "Woah Tucker, I don't kiss on the first date" I smile nervously. He peeks his head out the window, "Shhh!" Craig whispers. "I heard footsteps..."

"Well Craig, fun fact. This is a school!" I say in an enthusiastic, but sarcastic voice. He turns and gives me the middle finger which makes me squeal and giggle. "Where is that perv?!" I hear Bebe shout. "Shit, they're still following me?" I hide behind Craig.

Craig turns to me with a confused expression on his face. "What are you talkin about, McCormick?" I blush a little and smile, "Well, they were all taking showers. So I snuck under the stalls, and well..." Craig hit his forehead with his hand and sighed.

"Your an idiot, McCormick" he says finally. I look down and frown, "I know..." Craig grabs me and forces me down. "Woah Craig!" He makes me crouch in a tight little corner. "Shhh!" Craig says softly. Then he covers me with a box. I hear the door slam open.

"Are you fu-!" I hear Bebe's voice shout, but she stops. I look through a tiny crack. Craig flips her off. "What the hell are you doing in here Craig? Have you see Kenny McWhoreDick?!" Craig nodes, "I'm jerking off..." He answers. She gasps, then blushes a deep red. "Oh shit! I'm sorry!!" Bebe shouts and slams the door shut.

Tucker, was trying to protect me. Wow... I literally did not see this coming. And no, that ain't Fukin sarcasm! He chuckles and lifts the box. The taller one then pulls me up outta the corner.

I brush off the dirt and blush. "Th-thanks Tucker..." He pats the top of my head. "Well, I can't have the only other cool kid get destroyed yet" I look up at him after he said that. "Oh Senpai Craig~" I jokingly nudge him. He laughs and pushes my face away. "You think it's clear?" I ask. He looks out the door once more.

"Yeah, it's clear..." Craig grabs my hand and walks out the door. We both fast walk down the halls, and out the door. I always thought Craig was kinda a jerk. But, he's not that bad actually.

"What do you wanna do?" He stops and turns to me. "Eh, I don't know. Wanna see some nudes I got of Nicole?" I smirk. Craig grins, "Sure lets go to Starks Pond..." We walk off slowly. I notice something though... He hasn't let go of my hand yet! M-maybe he just forgot.

Sh-should I tell him. But his hand is soooo warm. Nah, I'm not gonna tell him! That would be just a bunch of awkward up in your face...

But, it's not only that... I don't wanna let go...

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