Chapter 4

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Why? Why was this guy stalking me? What did I do to deserve this? I'm definitley going to figure it out who he really is...

The next morning you woke up and did what you usually do: have a shower, brush your teeth and have a breakfast. Since you were bored you decided to watch a movie. You chose "The Fault In Our Stars" because you loved that movie.

You could watch this movie for ages and never get bored. The movie was already ending and you were crying, a lot. Once the movie was over, your face was red and your eyes watery you went to the bathroom and washed your face and went to the living room again.

You heard your phone vibrate so you opened it:

Nash send you a new message

You were scared, again. But you looked at the message anyway

"I know TFIOS is sad but baby, please don't cry. I hate seeing you like that :("

That was actually pretty cute.. Wait, what? NO! It wasn't. God sake he's your stalker.

You ignored the message and watched another movie, this time "Ted".

At the middle of the movie you were already crying of laugh. The movie was already over. You looked at the time, it said 1pm so you went towards the kitchen to make lunch.

You made spaghetti, and it was delicious. You looked once again at your phone just to listen some music but then you saw

Nash send you two new messages.

Should I read them or not? Fuck off

You opend the chat

"Your laugh is so cute"

"I wish I could prepare spaghetti to you some day :)"

Was he really saying this? If he wasn't your damn stalker you would really think that what he said was so cute. Why he has to be my stalker? *cries soul out*. This time you would answer him.

"Well, I think that's never going to happen until you leave me alone. What am I saying? That's NEVER going to happen because you 'kinda' annoy me and, really? You're my fucking stalker"

"And? All the things between us could change.."

"Are you kidding? There's NOTHING between us and there'll never be. I don't even know you! And I'm pretty sure I don't want to meet you."

"Why is that princess?"

"What are you, 45-50?

"What? No, lol. I'm 17"

"If you're not lying and you're really 17, why would you stalk me or want something with me? I'm not even pretty smh"

"I'm not lying. And are you kidding me? Have you seen you? You're fucking gorgeous"

You don't know why but somehow that made you blush

"Whatever. What do you really want from me?"

"Your heart and your love"

Wow, that was deep.

"You should know that if you want somebody to like or even love you, YOU SHOULDNT STALK THEM"

"And if I stop, would you give me a chance?"


"Wow, am I that bad?"


"Got it, k bye"

Stalker |Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now