Chapter 6

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"Thanks again" She muttered as I walked next to her.

"Anything for my poppet" I whispered and went home.

~Allen's POV~

"What the hell?" I looked at Matt as Oliver and Skylar walked home. "Should we be scared or happy?"

"Both." he stood up and started walking home also. "Come Kuma." he stated and Kuma followed growling at me.

"Wait for me fuck face." I followed Kuma and Matt while keeping my distance cause that monster (Kuma) will attack me.

Why does she look so familiar? I swear I seen her before but when... I was snapped out of my trance when Matt yelled at me.

"Fuck face. Come on. You almost passed the house." he walked to the house and Kuma followed.

"Whatever Asshat." I walked to the house also and looked around to find Oliver and ask him something. "Hey Oliver. Where the fuck are you?"

"Swear jar~" Oliver's voice emanated though out the house. "Oh and I'm in the kitchen" I dropped a few dollars in the swear jar and walked into the kitchen.

"So... Skylar-"

"She wants us to call her Victoria for now. Until the news about the queens stolen crown dies down." he said sitting in one of the stool in the kitchen.

"Victoria? Okay. So Victoria was she part of our lives as a little kid? She looks so familiar. I swear I've seen her before..." I said as Matt walked in.

"Yeah 'Victoria' looked very familiar when we first found her. Besides her hair color and eyes. If she had reddish brownish hair and green and blue eyes then..." Matt and I gasped as we reached the conclusion

"VICTORIA IS SKY SKY!!!" Matt and I said simultaneously. Oliver smiled and nodded.

I smiled. "I've missed her. She's been gone for over 200 years... Wait that must mean she's London..." Oliver nods and sips his tea.

"I-I can't believe it... I though she disappeared... I though she was one of your towns that dissolved..." Matt Sat down and smiled. "I missed her. We used to compete for her attention. Wait how can she be London when London is way older then her."

"London is my daughter but she has to catch up to the present. Since she's living with me it will speed up and she will be the ready to be London and she was gone for so long she's gonna go though much pain and tortur that the city of London went through."

I frowned. "That's a lot. Do you think she can make it?" Oliver nodded. "How will you tell her that she's 1,972?"

"I have no idea... Maybe you two can tell her. Wait no she won't believe you..." Oliver stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

"Do you think he going to tell her?" I looked at Matt who went back to his usual scowl. He nodded. "Do you think she'll believe him?" he nodded again then left the kitchen. Good luck Oliver.


How was this? I know I haven't updated in a while. Sorry.

Whitechest out

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