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Rosie-Mayela was never overly anything. Never overly involved, never overly popular, never overly stylish, pretty etc. She was about as off the map as anyone with a famous brother could be. People- including her mother- had always said that she was just along the ride that is life. Rosie had never really cared about the fame that her brother had once craved and achieved. She was content being how she was, perfectly anonymous. High School brought about a different scene. 

Rosie clutched her hiking backpack to her chest as she followed the throngs of students through the halls of Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. She inhaled the toxic concoction of axe body spray and many other male colognes. The jostling crowd spit her out into a new hallway, certainly not the one that led to the class that she was running late for. The second bell sounded and the hallways cleared out almost instantly. Rosie sighed and reached into her backpack to find her well-worn map of the school. She was two hallways over from first period English. 2 months into Freshman year and she still had no idea where she was. Closing the map and stowing it back in her old bag, she eased herself down until she was seated against an unfamiliar locker and closed her eyes against the tears threatening to fall. Footsteps grew closer to where she was sitting and she prepared for a lecture. It was easy to excuse someone for being late in the first couple weeks, but by now she should know where she was going. 

Looking up from her crossed arms she began to speak, "I'm terribly sorry sir, I just got lost again and-" her eyes locked on familiar blue gray ones. "Chris, thank god." 

Chris chuckled. He was a senior and they'd become friends on the first day of school. "Lost again, are we?" 

"Don't laugh," she took the hand that he offered and let him pull her up off the ground. "These hallways are much too crowded for me." 

Chris swept a bit of dirt off the back of her 'GAP' sweater and started walking, "This way to first period English." 

They walked in silence, mostly due to the fact that Rosie was dreading showing up to class late again. She didn't fit in and having the most popular kids in her English class see her show up late wouldn't help. But when they got to the door, she didn't appear to be in too much trouble. After all, Chris was quite the sweet talker when he wanted to be. 

"I apologize, Ma'am." Chris started speaking the minute that her teacher had opened the door. "I was just asking Rosie for some help carrying the drama supplies in from Mr. Bradford's truck. And with the way his back is, I didn't want to ask him for help." 

The English teacher seemed to deem this a reasonable excuse. "Well come on in, Miss Quinto. Mr. Evans will have to get back to drama anyway. You aren't much help to him now."

Rosie nodded quickly and Chris gave her a small smile before exiting the room, back down the hallway to drama class. 

She made it to the rest of her classes on time, yet her trips in the hallway this time were surrounded by whispers. She'd been with Chris at lunch while they worked on sets for the drama production. He had waved away her thank you's about that morning's incident, saying it was all just acting practice and she hadn't deserved punishment for over-crowded hallways that were out of her control. They chatted quietly while she painted sets and he pretended to practice his lines. Anyone that knew him well enough (and Rosie liked to think that she did) would know that he'd had them memorized from the first rehearsal. 

The whispers escalated from there to full blown staring and Rosie began to feel that she had something on her face. She went to the bathroom multiple times during 3rd period just to make sure that she hadn't suddenly grown a moustache. The hallways seemed to part when she walked by, and she was early to 4th period, where she found out the reason behind the whispering. 

"Is it true that you and Chris Evans were seen together this morning?" Clara, her science lab partner, who'd never willingly spoken a word to her before this moment, asked when she set down her textbook. 

"Um, yes?" 

"That's so cool. He's super hot," Clara gushed, holding her science book to her chest. "Like almost as hot as Carter Cox." Carter was Clara's boyfriend, and also the most popular guy in the 9th and maybe even the 10th grade. 

"I guess so. We're just friends," Rosie blushed softly. Sure, she'd definitely realized how hot her friend was. He was going to be famous someday, he'd assured her. And it seemed that you had to be pretty damn hot to work in Hollywood in this day and age. 

"Well, duh. Look at you," Clara sneered and turned her back on Rosie for the remainder of the class. 

Rosie had never been overly anything but she'd always figured she was at least average looking. Never had anyone, especially someone of Clara Roberts' importance, said anything about her looks. The student body of Lincoln-Sudbury Regional had never paid her much attention before, but now her name was on lips of every student and it was followed by Chris Evans'. Her mother had transferred her from Central Catholic Academy back home in Pittsburgh for this specific reason. So that she wouldn't be known as Rosie Quinto, brother of Zachary Quinto, the famous actor. Now she was being known as Rosie Quinto, friend of Chris Evans, and for the first time in her life, she went home feeling like she could be more than just 'along for the ride of life.'

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