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Jay likes to say he believes in love at first sight.
Even when most of those encounters were lust disguised as the idea of true love.
But this time, you could actually see something.
You could tell in Jay's eyes when he feels passion; they'll sparkle brighter.
You can tell when Jay's jealous; his cheeks turn pink and his eyebrows furrow together.
A pouter
But how can you tell these things if you've only seen them once?
After all, Jay's only passion was thievery and crime.
Still, even then he had no glow, no sparkle that compared to when he looked and the young boy.
What made him so special anyways?
It's not like they boy was a strong Prince, only a mere shadow behind the villains.
He wasn't rich, he wasn't a skilled thief; just a boy with bright eyes and a hope for some type of acceptance.
Every time he buried head in to Jay's chest after waking up from nightmares, Jay would cringe.
He hated seeing the once smiling face flow with tears.
He hated how his face contorted as if someone had beaten him, he hated seeing him in pain.
But why does this matter to Jay?
This isn't his problem.
Just like his father always told him as a young boy, "There's no team in 'I'"
But this white haired boy made him forget his self centered mentality.
He wanted to protect him, and always see that smile that made him realize that good things can come from bad places.
Jay went out of his way to defend Carlos.
There was blood shed, but Jay didn't care. As long as it was his blood and not Carlos'.
Because in the end of the day, Jay doesn't care about anything he's stolen.
That doesn't make him happy.
His laugh makes him happy
His big brown eyes make him happy
Knowing that he can defend the young boy makes him happy
Carlos makes him happy
And because of that, Jay would do anything for him.
Without even thinking,

And that's what ends him.

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