Hogwarts Express (Chapter 1)

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I know how many people find disclaimers annoying so I will do one only- These characters are not mine! They belong to the fabulous J.K.Rowling.

Lily's POV

It was the year 1971 and I was just about to step through a brick wall to get to a magical train. That would take me to a magical school. I had a weird life! But at least my absolute best friend would be coming there to. Although I had to master the train as he was getting there a different way.

I braced myself, then ran head on through the bricks. I felt as if I was getting separated into a million little pieces and then joined back together. That has got to mess with your head.

As I got a hold of my surroundings I saw a bright red train. It had people climbing into it and it was blowing its horn.

"Hurry up it is about to leave," said some woman to a young man. He looked about my age.

"Okay, bye."

From the sounds of it he didn't really care about the fact that he was about to live at a magical boarding school.

Racing to jump onto the train, I quickly put my trolley into the back and hurried to climb on.

Naturally, as I stepped onto it... I fell.

Wow great start Lily! When I hit the ground the doors behind me closed and I stared at the floor for a second trying to hide from the embarrassment. When I looked back up I saw that everyone was looking and laughing at me. One group of people went back into their cabin.

Well, they can't be that bad. I mean, they didn't just stand and laugh. Plus they seemed my age.

I decided to make my way into their cabin. When I reached their cabin, I knocked on the door. Hearing a little, "Yup, we do want food!" come from inside I slid open the door.

"H-Hey, I'm Lily Evans. I was wondering if I could come sit with you. Everywhere else people are sitting on their asses laughing at me..."

They all looked at me with blank faces. I waited for a second.

"Oh. Never mind it was a stupid idea. I just have no-where to go!" With an exasperated sigh I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

"Hey wait up! Of course you can sit with us! Come on- Lily right?"

"Um yeah," I turned around and looked at the person. They had light brown hair, big brown eyes and an amazing jawline. But what really caught my attention were the scars that were all over his face as he had at least three ones that were huge. Wonder where he had gotten them? "Lily Evans."

"Hi. I am Remus, Remus Lupin. Nice to meet you," I nodded my head, "So are we going to stand here in this hallway or are you going to come into our cabin?"

Shyly, I followed him towards into the cabin. Hang on- I am not shy. With my head held high I stepped into it. It was quite small, but cosy.

My eyes travelled around the room, trying to come to terms with the new territory. There were four people in there including Remus.

"Hi. Sorry we didn't say you could come in sooner but we were kind of shocked. You did barge right in here, speak for less than twenty seconds and run away!" The person who spoke had light blonde hair and green eyes. She was smiling at me when she spoke.

Remus pointed at the girl who had spoken and said, "Lily, this is Marlene McKinnon, next to her is Alice Prewett on her right is James Potter and well you know me. Guys, this is Lily Evans"

Alice stood up and shook my hands. She had a round face and blonde hair. Gosh I need some other redhead friends! I have grown up my entire life with green eyes and red hair. This caused my nicknames to mostly be 'Hot Bozo' and 'Pippy Longstockings'.

I looked over at the last person. James. He was ignoring me completely and waving his wand around. He was gorgeous! He had rough, messy brown hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing glasses and a cute sweatshirt. How is it that an 11 year old boy can look like a god?

"Hello?" Without answering he continues ignoring me.

"You are James right?"

He still refuses to acknowledge me. Personally I don't like being ignored, so this got to my head.

"Okay, what is your deal? Are you not much of a talker or just a prick?"

He looked up at me with a smirk. Oh my God his eyes are even more amazing when they are looking at me. The hazel in them sparkles.

"Do I look like a prick to you Evans?"

Yep he is absolutely a prick. A gorgeous one at that. Wait. What am I thinking? This guy just ignored me and is now smirking like he owns the place! But if his goal was me to notice his looks than mission accomplished.

"I think you know the answer to that Potter."

After hearing this he pouted mockingly.

This is going to be a long year.

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