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This can't be happening.

That was Dave's first thought as he raced to the hospital at a speed that was very much not legal. It was some sick joke. He couldn't have gotten worse. He was just fine yesterday. The best he's been in a while, actually. How could he have gotten worse over night? It was now 4am, and he's glad that the streets are somewhat empty. He would've caused at least three accidents by now if the roads were as full as they are during the day. He didn't even have time to get his house keys and he's pretty sure his front door is still wide open, but that doesn't matter right now, because right after he got the call from the hospital that John was in critical condition he flipped his shit. Dave felt like he got slapped back into reality when the nurse said he might not able to live for much longer, and started running around the house in a flurry of panicked movements.

And that's how he ended up drifting into the hospital parking lot like he was in a fucking video game in only sweatpants and a tank top. He jumped out of his car, not even bothering to lock it, and started running to the hospital doors. He flung the doors open, promptly scaring the shit out of the nurse that was at the front desk.

As he ran up to the front desk, the nurse looked him over with an irritated expression. "Can I help you?" She asked impatiently, and Dave didn't have time for this bullshit.

"I'm here to see John Egbert, please." Dave said, a little out of breath.

The woman's irritated expression morphed into something of pity, and she let a sad smile grace her lips. "Yes, I heard he was getting a visitor. He's in room 204 on the second floor." Dave nodded as thanks and ran to the stairs on the other side of the room because fuck it the elevator would take too long, even if he's only going up two floors.

He bounded up the stairs two at a time, letting the adrenaline he had take action. He didn't stop until he reached the second floor and ran right down the hallway, almost knocking over another nurse with a clipboard. It didn't take long for him to find room 204, and when he did he hesitated. What if they were doing surgery on him? What if he's already gone? Just as he was about to open the door, though, someone from inside the room flung it open and looked towards Dave. Dave looked up, surprised, but his surprise quickly turned into worry as he found out who the person was. "How is he? Is he okay? Can I see him?" He had asked all of this in one breath and it took the doctor a moment to process what he had said.

Rose's eyes held a sadness that made Dave's breath hitch in his throat. "I'm sorry, Dave." She said, shaking her head. Dave was about to break down. Was he too late? Just as his thoughts got more dark Rose continued, "We did everything we could; we don't know how this happened, but it seems that we have to let nature take its course. He refuses to be hooked up to life support. He's alive, though I'm afraid we don't know for how long." Rose had said all of this with a sadness that almost made Dave break.

"Can I....?" Dave asked, letting the unspoken question hang in the air.

"Yes, go ahead. He's been talking about seeing you." Rose said, stepping aside and letting Dave into the room.

Dave had a lump in his throat as he looked over John, who had grown paler since the last time he's seen him. John's eyes were closed, but when he heard someone step next to his bed he cracked an eye open, letting a weak smile form on his face.

"Hey, Dave." John said groggily. Dave let out a choked sob as he fell on his knees, looking at John with tear stained cheeks.

"John. God, John. What the fuck happened to you? Rose said she did everything she could, but just hang in there, ok? We'll get through this, you'll get through this." Dave felt like he was saying this to reassure himself rather than John, and John smiled sadly at Dave before moving his hand a little bit.

"Come here, Dave." John said, and Dave stood up to get closer to the bed. "Closer, Dave. I need you to sit right there." His hand moved to create a space on the bed, and Dave sat down, heedless of the warnings from the nurses.

"I want you to come closer." Dave let out silent tears as he leaned down, closer to John.

"Close your eyes, Dave." John commanded, and Dave did as he was told, closing his eyes as he felt a hand come onto his head. John's hand weakly threaded through Dave's hair, and Dave let out another choked sob. John's hand started pulling Dave's head down to John's level, until their foreheads were touching.

"I'm afraid time has taken its toll on me. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer, but I'm really tired. Sing me a song to help me sleep?" John asked, and Dave was openly sobbing now because this couldn't be real.

"John. John, please hang in there. Please-"

"Dave" John said, a little exasperation in his voice. He let out a little giggle that just had Dave crying harder.

"Please just sing to me. I know you have a really nice voice, and you always used to sing to me when I couldn't sleep. Please?" John begged, and Dave couldn't take it anymore.

He started out shakily, "As long as you sing with me." Dave didn't want it to be like this. This couldn't be real.

John chuckled weakly, "Sure, sure. I only know one song that you know, so we'll just sing that, okay?" Dave nodded, his forehead still on Johns, and started singing.

"Hold me now, cause I couldn't even if I tried."

"Its over now, I guess it really is my time." John continued weakly, and Dave sobbed.

"I don't wanna go, but its time I gotta say goodbye." Johns hand was letting up the pressure on Dave's head, and Dave grabbed it to keep it where it was.

John opened his eyes a little bit before continuing weakly, "So now...... cause.....this'll..... be our last..... time-" Dave's eyes snapped open as he felt John's hand relax in his, and as he looked down at John he could see that John wasn't breathing. As if to confirm this, the heart monitor attached to John let out a drawling beeping sound that wouldn't stop. Dave's eyes widened, and he started shaking his head.

"No, wait. John. Hey, John, c'mon, you have to open your eyes. JOHN!" Dave screeched and pulled John to his chest.

It took two male nurses to pry Dave away from John and lead him to another room, Dave screaming helplessly for his love that wasn't there anymore.

Dave stayed at the hospital overnight, and in the morning Rose drove Dave to his house and took him into his bedroom. She kissed his cheek as he slept soundly, tired from all the crying and screaming from the night before. "I'm sorry, Dave. I hope you know John will be watching you overhead now." Rose whispered, and Dave let out a whimper as if he was listening.

Rose hurriedly left Dave's house and drove back to the hospital, and when Dave awoke to an empty bed and a head full of memories, he cried silently into the pillow on the other side of the bed.

The song they sing is Crash by sum 41 btw ;^)

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