Chapter 4

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(Shawn's P.O.V.)

This is all my fault, if it wasn't for me, she would be fine now, she would be here. The whole family is around nobody actually says a word, we are still waiting for the doctor to come and tell us how she is. We don't speak because only one word would be enough to make us cry like little babies, just like Blue is crying right now, my dad is holding her, I feel like I need to be alone, I feel like I need to know how my mom is, not knowing is what is killing me. Everytime a doctor came our way we used to get up and hope that he would be the one who told us how she was, but they always passed thorugh us like we don't exist. Now there is another doctor coming and if he doesn't talk to us i'll freak out. He passed through us again like we wasn't there

Shawn: HEY YOU! I want to know how my mom is NOW!

Doctor: i'm sorry we're taking so long, we're still working on her

Shawn: Somebody please!

Doctor: i'm sorry, I'll make it quick *walks away*

I came back to my seat and started crying, I wanted to kick somebody right in the face, or punch somebody, I don't know anything, I just needed and answer

(Blue's P.O.V.)

My mom has been on that room for a while now, we are all freaking out, I hoped she was ok, I prayed she was ok, but some part of me kept telling me that she wasn't gonna make it. My brother was crying in front of me and so was I, I came to hug him and we cried together for a while until a doctor walked towards us and stopped, he took a deep breath

Doctor: I really don't want to be the one who say this, but, I'm sorry we made everything we could. She is in a better place right now.

I was shocked, I still coudln't believe this was happening, it's the worst that could ever happen to our family, I really didn't know what to feel or think

Doctor: You can see her if you want to.

My dad got up, I still couldn't believe he had the strenth to, but he did and followed the doctor to see her, me and my brother wanted to see her, but we wanted to give dad a little privacy.

(Jay's P.O.V.)

I came into the room where Bey was, she was totally pailed and cold, I never thought in my whole life with her I would go through something like this, see my wife dead, thinking that I would never see her smile again or look at her sweet brown eyes or kiss those soft lips or love that body the whole night long. I started crying and I sat down next to her, I grabbed her hand and as I felt how cold it was my stomach dropped, I layed down on her chest and started crying even harder

Jay: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't get there on time, I'm sorry for the past few weeks I've treating you badly, i'm sorry. I wanted to make it better, I really did, but now it's too late. I just wanted you to know that you were the most special thing for me, you made me happy, you made me a better man, I love you so much and I never will stop loving you.

I looked at her one more time, no I couldn't, I had to try something else, I couldn't leave her, she couldn't leave me, she promise she wouldn't. So I grabbed this medical thingys that made shock and that couls relive the person and I pressed them against her chest, I watched as her body reacted to them, hoping at everytime she would just open her eyes. Time after time, after time. When I saw that it wasn't working I put it back to the place and I layed down on her chest again.

I suddenly felt something move and I felt a hot air in my head, I looked at up and she was looking at me, really confused

Jay: BEEY!

Beyoncé: jay... what happened?


I guess I screamed too much cuz I heard doctors come in the room and they were all in complete shock

Doctor: But... I... saw... her dead

Beyoncé: Dead?

Doctor: Yeah... we did everything we could

Jay: I saved her, I love you!

Beyoncé: i love you too!

I kissed her so much I couldn't belive what was going on, she was totally fine! Suddenly my kids came in throught he door and we all hugged Bey, it was fine now, the doctors also cheered after they realized what was going on.

Shawn: But you drank the poison! I still don't understand!

??: I think I can explain it to you

It was that huge guy from before, we all came in on defensive against him, hoping that he wasn't gonna do us no harm

??: Calm down, I won't hurt you. I will explain. Glinda thought she was giving you the poison of death when she was really given you the poison Cantarella.

Blue: a what?

??: Cantarella. It's the same poison used by Juliet in Shakespeare's novel, it kills the person only for a while

Beyoncé: But why would she give it to me? She wnated to kill me

??: Because she didn't know I had changed it

Beyoncé: why would you change it?

??: Because I don't think it was fair for her to kill you, I never agreed on that!

Jay: Thank You, you'll make sure you don't get caught by the police again

??: No it's ok, I realized I did something wrong and I gonna pay for it. I'm glad you're both ok.

Shawn: thanks man

??: I should better get going.

Doctor: Oh now everything makes sense!

Jay: Yes smart ass! Thanks for scaring us!

Doctor: i'm sorry, i'll leave you alone

Blue: mom, how are you feeling?

Beyoncé: I'm ok I guess, I don't think I ever slept so well *laughs*

Shawn: Mom, don't paly with that! You really scared me!

Jay: US*

Shawn: Yes us!

Beyoncé: Don't worry guys, it's fine now!

Blue: Thank God!

Beyoncé: i love y'all! Can we go home now?

Jay: I will ask the doctor

Within minutes we were out fo there and back home, at the end, everything turned out ok and I had all the family members right under my watch once again.

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