Chapter Eleven -

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Smiley looked at me with complete delight in his eyes, his hand still on my waist. 

And now, the guilt hit me. I had cheated on my boyfriend just because he was a tiny bit rude to me. I was his world obviously, he couldn't live without me. I knew he couldn't because his life was a tiny bit dull, his sisters (ages 14, 12 and 11) were about to be put into care so less stress there and his mum was just an alcoholic.

His dad he didn't know so life at his home must be easy I'm so jealous of him and so what if the people 2 floors above from him in his flat were growing weed and someone else in the tower block kept sending him death threats, that's life.

He has me. Or had me.

I now realised how cold I was, like there was this feeling in my stomach that wouldn't go and I know I've done something wrong and it's like making me feel bad. I don't like this feeling what even is it.

I pulled away from Smiley and his happiness in his eyes had now faded to a disappointed look as he saw my expression: regretting every moment of that moment when our lips... touched. 

I shuddered, partly of the cold and partly of the fact that I was actually touching him and I let him touch me was actually horrible, ok can I throw up now?

I looked away from his light brown eyes and I could sense his disappointment changing to anger.

"Look-" I started.

"You think I'm some baby that you-" he pushed me into the alleyway and his crew followed, "can push around, eh?"

Some people who lived above the kebab shop were watching us. Nosey sods, probably never even owned an Adidas tracksuit. His hands were holding my shoulders so hard that I could feel the bruises coming tomorrow. I swear to god if he hurts me I'm gonna sue his legs off.

"Let go of me you-"

"No, I'm doing my talking now," his crew were chanting stuff at him.

"Leave her Smiley," a British one with shaved bits of one eyebrow spoke to Smiley and was given a 'shut up and let me do my thing' look by Smiley.

Smiley wasn't so smiley now was he.

The British one was the only one who was actually sticking up for me.

"Go on Smiley!"

"Give her what you're made of,"

"You some hard bossman skillz init,"

"You're bare peak man but lol man you're hard,"

They were all little hood rats anyway with their fake air maxs, Connor had fake ones but he wore them so much better.

I stared into Smiley's eyes, the light from the street was the only thing that was keeping us from complete darkness.

There was no point pleading with him now, he knew what he was going to do to me. Time to get my bossy girl loud mouth attitude on.

"MOVE THE CROCS OUT OF MY WAY-" he placed his hands on my mouth, he had a firm grip on my hands.

I couldn't kick him because I would end up going to a youth center or something where other lost causes go.


"You took the mick out of me, time for me to take to mick out of you," he whispered in my ear, "meet me at the Highview Estate 7pm tomorrow," he got even closer, i was as still as someone who had just been told that Nicki Minaj had plastic surgery (I mean she's so natural like why would someone make up lies little idiots), "do not, be late,"

He walked back down the alley towards the Kebab shop with his pals cheering him on.

Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground, OH, OH, TROUBLE TROUBLE TROUBLE.



soz for the long update but i think this story is getting interesting now


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