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"Ok, I have had ENOUGH of this Jay!" I yelled.

"What the hell do you mean?!" Jay said standing up off the couch.

"I MEAN for you to stop cheating you jackass!" I yelled while laughing. "Rainbow Road and Electrodome are literally the worst tracks you could CHOOSE on MarioKart." I explained to this dense idiot.

Oh, I 'm sorry! I never introduced myself. My name is Carlos DeVil. My mother is Cruella DeVil. About a year ago, four kids, including myself, to go to school. I won't waste your time with details though. I might have to later though...

I stood up from the couch and towards our dorm door.

"Aww, don't tell me your actually mad." Jay complained.

I chuckled. "No, you big baby. I have to help out Doug with new student orientations. And, by looking at the time, you have Tourney practice in five minutes as well." I said matter-o-factly.

That certainly made Jay jump up and scramble around for his equipment. He ran out the door in a huge hurry.

In reality, Tourney practice didn't start for another hour. But hey, that's what he gets for picking the fucking Electrodome.

By the time I reach Doug, he's already talking to the students. And honestly, I know who some of them are. I groan and walk over to the group.

"Ok guys, so you guys know you were chosen for the C.O.V.R.P., or the 'Children Of Villains Rehabilitation Program'.

I saw the guys snicker, while the girl raised her eyebrows.

"But don't worry, Doug and I are looking to change the name." I said smiling, coming up to the group and putting my hand on Doug's shoulder.

The girl gasped, and jumped on me, and hugged me. I was so surprised that I couldn't really move. "Carlos! Don't tell me a year away and yer already forgot who I was mate!" The girl said with a smile.

White shirt, red skirt, black vans and eyepatch, red jacket, loud personality, sassy attitude...

I smiled back. "Of course not. How are you doing, Hilary? Long time, no see."

Sorry it's so short. It's only a little over 300 words. But I got something down! Thank @Jaylos_Trash for reminding me to do the story!

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