Chapter 16

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After our deep conversation at MAC,Alli,Amanda and I proceeded to look for the makeup we were going to buy. Mandy didn't really need anything(she just loves to purchase new makeup),but she bought stuff anyways. I looked for my favorite matte red lipstick,and Alli picked out a shimmery gold eyeshadow.
"That eyeshadow is gorgeous,Alli." Amanda said.
"I thought so." Alli replied.
"It would look amazing with the dress you got." I said.
"Yeah! Can I do your makeup for tonight?" Amanda pleaded.
"Of course,as long as you don't make it too dramatic." Alli replied.
"I'll try my best." Amanda said.
We then went to the cash register,bought the makeup,and left the store.
"What are we doing now?" I asked.
"It's only 4pm." Alli said.
"There's a Dylan's candy bar in the second floor." Mandy said
"Okay,let's go there!"I said.
"Yeah,candy sounds good right now!" Alli said.
We went to the elevator,ascended to the second floor,and headed towards dylan's candy bar.
*Arrived at dylan's candy bar.*
After looking around the store for a few minutes,I purchased a candy bar with my name on it because it looks cute,and I love chocolate.
Mandy bought a cute plastic cupcake container filled with her favorite candies,and Alli bought a basic plastic bag filled with candy. We then left the store,and sat on a bench in the middle of the mall.
"Where should we go now?" Alli asked.
"How about LUSH?" I suggested.
"That sounds great! I need new bath bombs." Mandy said.
We then went to lush.

*Cody POV*
We've been at TopShop for a while now. The girls left to buy makeup. Brad and Brooklyn have been taking so long trying on suits,dress shirts,leather jackets,ties,just about everything... I find it pathetic,how hard they try to impress Sofia. They should be themselves,and just treat her like a queen. Ultimately,that's what matters. I can't say I'm glad that Brad and Brooklyn both like Sofia. She's like a little sister to me. Brad is my friend and all,but to be honest,he's not a good guy. I see the way he looks at Sofia. That's not love,it's lust. Deep inside he's a jerk. He dumped his last girlfriend after he cheated on her. He said he's changed,but I don't know if I believe him. I might be overreacting because I'm really over protective,but just don't want him to hurt Sofia. I don't know Brooklyn that well yet,and I don't know what his real intentions are with Sofia...but I intend to find out.
After a while at Topshops,Brooklyn and Brad left the dressing rooms and made their purchases.
"Finally! " I exclaimed.
"What?" Brad asked.
"You guys have been trying on clothes for hours!" I said.
"Sorry,mate. I lost track of time." Brooklyn said.
"Yeah,me too." Brad said.
"Whatever... I'm gonna call the girls and ask them where they are. We need to get home. We don't want to be late for the party." I said and proceeded to call Alli.

*Alli's POV*
As soon as we arrived,Alli's phone rang.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"It's Cody." Alli replied.
"Well pick it up." I suggested.
Alli talked with Cody for a few minutes,and then hung up.
"What does he want?" Amanda asked.
"He asked where we were. I told him that we're at lush. Then he said we should head home because it's already 5pm,and we don't want to be late for the party..." Alli said.
"Where are the guys?" I asked.
"They finished shopping at Topshop. They're going to starbucks now so we'll meet there." Alli replied.
We quickly got the products that we needed and cashed out.
Mandy purchased bath bombs. I purchased an ocean salt scrub that I had run out of,and Alli purchased a face mask. We then walked to starbucks. When we got there,the boys were in line. We went over to them...

"Do you want anything,girls?" asked Cody.

"I want a strawberry frap." I said.

"Me too." said Alli.

"Me three!" Mandy said.

Cody purchased our drinks,and handed them to us. All of us then sat down at a table.
"So...what do you guys want to eat for dinner?" Cody asked.
"Won't ther be food at the party?" asked tristan.
"I don't think so... They'll probably just hand out pizza at like midnight..." Cody replied.
"I'm pretty sure That my stomach will be growling by then." said connor.
"Where should we go eat then?" Asked brad.
"Let's go to in-n-out!" Brooklyn suggested.
"I love in-n-out!"Mandy said.
We all agreed.
"Then it's settled. We're going to in-n-out." Cody said.
"Let's go to the one near the beach house because the one here at the mall is always so crowded!" Alli said.
"True..." Cody replied.
We then exited the mall,got in the car,and left for in-n-out. As soon as we arrived and got out of the car,something I wasn't expecting happened. Suddenly all I heard were screams,and I was being pushed from side to side. What the heck is happening? Then it hit me. We were getting mobbed by teenage girls. This never happens to me. They're probably screaming about Cody or the vamps. I was right. The girls were all over Cody and the vamps asking the guys for pictures... When I managed to get out of the sea of screaming fans in the parking lot,I went inside in-n-out. I saw Alli and Mandy already in line to order food. I ran over to them,and asked ,"we should have used the drive-thru. Does this happen ofren when you hang out with cody and the vamps?"

"Will they be okay?" Mandy asked.

"Yeah...don't worry. After they take pictures,the girls will leave. If things get out of hand,I'm sure the security guards will handle the situation."Alli said.

"Does Cody have a body guard?" Mandy asked.

"He doesn't want one. He says it would rid him of trying to live as normal as his life could ever be considering his fame."Alli replied.

"I hope that they boys don't get hurt. it's really sweet that they stop to greet fans,though..." I said.

Our conversation was interrupted by the cashier saying,
"Next." because it was our turn.

"Hello,may I take your order?" The lady asked.

"We're kind of waiting for our friends to tell us what they want to eat,but they're being tackled by teenage the parking lot." Alli started to say.

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to get the guard to check on them?" The lady suggested.

"Yes,please. Just to look out for the boys safety. Don't tell the girls to go away though. They boys like greeting their fans..." Alli said.
"Okay. I'll notify the security guard."the lady said.
The lady then called the security guard and he walked outside to check on the boys.
"Thank you for your help." Alli said.

"No problem. Customer satisfaction is what we strive for.What would you like to eat?"

"Let's just get a burger,side of fries,and a coke for each one of us."Mandy suggested.

"So 9 burgers,9 sides of fries and 9 cokes." Alli told the lady.

"Ok. Anything else?" The lady asked.

"That's all for now." Alli replied.

"Your total is $92.00." The cashier stated.

Alli swiped Cody's credit hard that he had handed her in the car to pay for the meal.

"By the way,make that 'To Go'please" I said considering that the boys won't be able to eat here since the fangirls will just follow them inside.

"Have you guys seen Brooklyn?" Alli asked.

"Nope." I said.

After our food was packed and ready,we took it outside.

"I think I see Brooklyn... He's posing for pictures with fans." Mandy said.

"What fans ?" I said and burst out laughing. Mandy must be joking.

"Sof,I'm serious. Look." Mandy said while pointing to the right of where Cody and the vamps were.

Oh,Mandy wasn't kidding.
Lots of girls are taking selfies kissing Brooklyn's cheek,making him kneel down to pretend like he's proposing etc. Why are these girls all over him? He doesn't sing or act... I guess I'll bring that up later when I talk to him. For now, we have to focus on getting all of the boys in the car and out of here safely.

You & I (A Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن