Chapter 2 - Losing you - Ianthony

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Anthony's POV

I woke up with a really bad headache. "Damn..., how late is it?" I whisper to myself. I turn on my night lamp but I immediately regret it because of the bright light. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I slowly open my eyes again so they can get used to the light. I roll over to lie on my stomach and grab my watch from the bedside table. It's 9:30 a.m.....Shit! I overslept! And today we're shooting Gamebang! I can't have them wait for me!I hurriedly jump out of bed and put on my clothes. Oh my god, are you kidding me? Where are my car keys when you need them!? I mumble to myself. After searching for 10 minutes I finally found them. Aha! I yell and I fall to the ground."Kabuki!" I snap at the cat that's climbing on top of me. Apparently I scared the cat because she scratched my face. Really? I stand up and Buki gives me an angry stare. I walk to the bathroom and clean up my face. It's already 10 a.m I need to hurry up. I walk to the garage and get into my car.

Ian's POV

"What is taking him so long?" Joven asks in an annoyed tone. "Are you sure that he will come?" Mari asks me. "Yeah, I am sure. If he wouldn't come he would tell me." I answer. Mari shrugs and says "Allright then." I sigh and sit down in one of the gamebang chairs. Dammit Anthony! Where are you? I say in my head.Everyone in the room seems annoyed, I can't blame them Anthony is already an hour to late."Ok, I'm going to call him." I say and grab my phone. I was just about to dial the number when the door swung open. "I am SO sorry guys!, I overslept and..." Anthony said but I cut him off. "Let's just start this gamebang, Ok?" I grabbed a controller and started the game. Everyone joined me and we started the episode of gamebang. Everyone screamed GAMEBANG and we finished yet another episode."This game was amazing! I got to shoot so many people in the balls!" Lasercorn said and threw his hands in the air. Everyone laughed about his excitement. I saw that Ant was about to leave but I walked to him and stopped him. "Hey, dude" I said. He stared at me with an almost shocked expression. "Is something wrong?" His look worried me. "ehm, yeah everything is fine." He said and he walked over to Mari and the guys.I heard him talk about hanging out so I walked over to them and asked "Can I join?". Ant stared at me with the same expression as before. I wonder what he has on his mind. "Ehm I'm sorry Ian there is only place for 5." Ant said. Wow what a lame excuse, what the hell is wrong with him!?. "Well, okay then... I guess." I said annoyed and hurt and I looked away. "Ian wait" I walked away and slammed the door.

Ant's POV:

When I saw Ian's hurt look it felt like my heart broke into a million pieces. "Ian wait" I said but it was already too late, he was gone. Dammit, why did I say that? I'm so stupid, he's my best friend. "What was that all about?" Mari asked with her arms crossed. Joven, Sohinki and Lasercorn stared at me in disbelief. "It's nothing, mind your own business" *SLAP* I cupped my cheek with my hand and rubbed the pain spot. Mari just slapped me."What the hell, Mari!? What is wrong with you!" I yelled angrily. Sohinki stepped forwards. "We can ask you the same thing" He said. "You're acting weird, I was just trying to help you" Mari mumbled. Why am I so angry at everyone? They're right I'm acting weird. What the hell is wrong with me?. "I'm sorry.. I don't know what's wrong with me." I said staring at my shoes.I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry for slapping you, you should go and say sorry to Ian." She smiled. I said goodbye and walked out of the building to my car. Why the hell did I do that? I just wanted to spend more time with the game crew without Ian. I didn't mean to hurt him. Goddammit! I slammed my fist on the steering wheel. There is something wrong with me. Suddenly I see a bright light and I realise that I am riding on the wrong side of the road. "Shit" I yel as I'm turning the steering wheel. I shouldn't be thinking about other things then driving when I'm in the car. A few minutes later I arrived at Ian's house. "Come on Ian, please be at home" I whispered to myself. The door opened. "Oh, it's you. Shouldn't you be hanging out with Mari and the guys?" Ian said with anger in his voice. " Ian I am sorry." I said looking at the ground. We stayed there in silence for a moment and then went inside. "Ant What is wrong with you?,You know you can tell me anything. I'm your best friend." I kept my eyes at the ground. "I know, I know. It's just.. I don't know.. complicated?" I could feel his eyes staring right through me. "What is so complicated? I've known you for years!" he almost screamed. "Oke I'll explain." I was getting nervous right now. "When I saw you texting with Mel..." I stopped talking. "Yeah go on." Ian said a little annoyed because of my pause. "Well, you know.. ehm.. It felt like.." I shuffled my foot a little. "Can you stop taking these breaks and just get to the point?" Ian snapped. "It felt like I was jealous" I just want to get out of here right now, but it's too late I told him too much. "Why would you be jealous about me texting Mel?" He said in a confused tone. "I don't know" I shruged my shoulders. "Ant look at me, This whole thing doesn't make any sence." Ian touched my shoulder. "Ant look at me." He repeated the command. I looked up and stared right in his big sparkling blue eyes, they were gorgeous and I allowed myself to drown in them. I snapped out of it when I heard Ian's voice again. "Dude,why are you jealous. What is wrong with you?" he said. "She just spends so much time with you now." I felt my blood boil again. "Yeah because she's my girlfriend." My eyes began to water when I heard the word girlfriend. "Well maybe I..." I couldn't finish my sentence. "Maybe your what?, Say it Anthony!"

**Authors note** 

Cliffhanger!! :p

So yeah, Here's another chapter! I hope you enjoyed. Sorry that it took so long, but my best friend who I write this story with was on a holiday soooo I had to write this on my own. But here it is! I can't believe how many reads this story already has! Thanks so much for reading and voting guys. We really appreciate it and we love writing this for you. :3 So thanks again.

xx Suus

Ianthony - Losing youWhere stories live. Discover now