13) Almost a Surprise

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A/N: I'M SO SORRY!! :(( I have been suffering from a deadly case of frustrating af writer's block!!! It's the worst thing in the world! I am a disgrace. This is awful to the max!! I feel so bad. I hope this at least makes up for it! I am writing in bulk tonight, so hopefully I'll be posting more regularly from now on :) enjoy! <3


Cristiano's POV

"All right boys, gather round!" Scolari yelled at us from across the field. I jogged over to the forming huddle, spraying my face with water from my bottle. I was sweating a lot, but I didn't mind it so much. It meant I was working hard.

"All right, men, I should say," Scolari started, which was greeted by hearty laughs all around. "You are looking good, but remember, it's not always about being good in practice, it's about rising to the occasion and being great on one of the biggest stages in the world. This is the ultimate time to prove yourselves, which I know is something that some of you are extremely eager to do." He paused and let those deep words sink in, before continuing. "So, get a lot of rest, eat well, enjoy time with your loved ones. I'll see you tomorrow." We clapped once altogether before breaking off and going in our separate directions.

As I made my way to my things, something caught my eye. "Soph!" I yelled to my beautiful Sophie, who is standing with Mariana near the bottom of the stands to the right of the tunnel. She whips around to face where she hears my voice and her thick blonde hair follows her. A huge smile breaks out on her face and her eyes light up. The adrenaline rush I get from this - all over my body, even in my groin - is incredible. I can literally feel my heart on fire because I made her have that reaction.

She readjusts her grip on our adorable little girl and walks down the stairs to the bottom, so the only thing separating us is a pesky railing. "Hi!" she greets me.

I grin, and reply, "Hey, Soph." I stare into her eyes for a moment before remembering why she came. "How's my beautiful pequeña, eh?" I cough and say as I reach out to take Mariana from Sophie. 

"She's good. But I think she found your training a bit boring. Might want to spice it up a bit more next time to keep her interested. Maybe let her play with you," she suggests, laughing. I let out a chuckle and bite my lip, bouncing pequeña up once or twice and raising my eyebrows.

"Yes? Would you like that, pequeña?" she looks at me with her cute chubby cheeks and beautiful, big brown eyes and even though she hasn't said anything, my heart swells with pride and joy. And gratefulness to Sophie that she let me experience this happiness that after she left I was starting to doubt whether I'd ever feel.

"I think she would. She claps when we see people playing football at home, don't you, Mari?" she smiles and fixes the collar of Mariana's little pink polo shirt. Mariana looks at her and smiles, and her tiny little cheeks go red. She starts giggling profusely and clapping and Sophie looks so proud. What I wouldn't give to just wrap my arms around both of them and take them home, us all together.

"Sophie! Beautiful," Pepe jogs over, spraying water from his bottle over his face as he gallops in. He drapes an arm over Sophie's shoulder and kisses her hard, straight on the lips. I stare at him, nostrils flared, eyes widened and one peck away from pouncing on the guy. Sophie had a similar reaction though, which pleased me. She recoiled away from his touch and looked half-surprised and half-horrified at how the defender had practically molested her in front of half the Portuguese national team. (**READERS: he didn't actually "molest" her; cristiano is exaggerating, because he is jealous. just wanted to clarify(: **)

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