You're late

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Looking out the smudged window of her bed room, her head in her hands, bangs over her eyes, and tears dripping down her face.
Ten years - that was how long since she had made a 'friend' well if that is what you could call him - she had waiting for too long and had no idea why she didn't just stop waiting... she was still debating if it was a dream or not, the sun was peeking out behind the buildings and she had still not slept-
How could she? With the constant voices in her head...
Her gaze immediately went the corner of her room as a faint image of a telephone box crossed her vision, it wasn't until it was stable that her eyes had not deceived her - a big, blue, phone box had landed in her room,
-and guess who dared to show his face.
"Ah, hello there miss! I'm guessing ___ has already left since she isn't here, am i right?" there was a very long silence as tears streamed down her face once more, the Doctor went in a slight panic - about to ask if she was alright when she slapped him across the face as hard as she could.
Cradling his cheek that had just been hurt he exclaimed with an "ow!" and "what did i do?"
"Do you know what you've done.. Do you?! You have the nerve to show your face to me again after you abandoned me!?" She asked starting with a low whisper and then raising her voice.
"_-....___?!" He asked with wide eyes as his mind replied with a 'oh no'
She simply ran out the door of her room, the voices in her head were becoming louder now-
"____! Wait i-i can explain!" He shouted and chased after her.

[[A y e cliff hanger! Sorry this sucks ;--; ]]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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