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  The hall was crowded and stuffy, the elders sat at their seats, facing the room and the slayers sat infront of them, awaiting their orders. There had been a sudden, drastic rise in killings, especially in places close to or right next to the compound. the elders were worried that the vampires had followed one of the slayers back, and were toying with us. we all sat silently, awaiting orders. Dezmant, the leader of the slayers, and just a few days over 93, shakily stood to his feet, despite the wary glances that his nurses gave him. He waved his hand, silencing all the chatter, professional and novice alike. "We have reached a turning point. This is no longer battle. this is war. The vampires are delibratly seeking out places near us, they are porpusfully leaving half-dead slayers at the scene of a fight. We have a few of our best slayers missing, and we must be prepared for anything, we always expect the un-"

Dezmant was cut off by the loud slamming of the heavy oak double doors, and in the doorway stood Sapphire. her gorgeous brown curls thrown into a tight pony tail, and she was wearing a too-big nirvana Tshirt. her usual ripped skinny jeans matched. she ram quickly down the meeting hall, straight up to Dezmant, and when the guard tried to stop her, she took his feet from under him.

Her eyes were wild and alarmed, it wasn't until then that Dan had noticed the scrapes and bruises on her cheeks, or the fluid, fresh from battle hand movements she was making towards him. she was barely speaking above a whisper, and no one besides the eldest could hear her panicked words. just as The Leader made his way back to the podium, probably to announce the news Sapph had just given him, there was a loud boom, defeaning to osay the least. bricks from the old church crumbled in, and dust filled the air. Dan's ears were ringing so much that he could hardly hear the muted battle cries of the vampires that were rushing in from the now gaping hole, nor could he hear his own words, as he cried out to Sapphire, this all being her fault. If she hadn't of mated with that damned aussie, then none of this would be happening. she froze, mid- strike upon hearing his words, and was promptly thrown off her feet and onto the ground. Just as the punk kid began to wrestle her for her throat, another one shot to her, surrounding her, dan tried to shoot up and save her, he had only just realized that they were being ambushed, and that if he didn't do something fast, she would die. vampire lover or not, she taught him everything he knows and the stupid flutters she gave him when she laughed forced him up, and moving towards them. he yanked the demon off of her, and he immediately sent a blast of uv light through his eye socket.

He was sent flat on his back, however, and was suddenly met with piercing green eyes. and long, flowing blonde hair. the female smiled wickedly, and he felt the wind leave him as they suddenly were up, and moving quickly away from the battle scene and deeper into the darkened streets, the whole time sapphires gorgeous muddy green eyes filled with panic swam in his mind.

- Sapphire-

It was her. the female that grabbed Daniel. She would rember those eyes from anywhere, with every nightmare she had of them, peering through the flashes of lightenining in her father's last moments. She was panting, and could barely see. this was a tough fight, the vampires here were obviously choice-picked and the bet that could be found. they were old, and strong, and experienced. she had never seen the likes of a vampire that could counter every move she made. usually she'd have the blood sucker down in just a few minutes but just one of these would be hopeless to fight against, especially the three that surrounded her. the screams from fallen slayers pierced her ears, and she fought the hopeless battle non the less, giving what she thought would be her last push everytime another lick was thrown at her. she fought the hardest she had ever fought and the battle lasted for what had to be three hours. as the sun began to rise, however, the tattered and badly bruised slayers pushed the elite army of eldest vampires back, and it was only till the last moments of the battle that she realized, Dan knew. Dan knew, and shouted about it just as everyone began to fight. maybe no one heard him over the pandemonium, but if someone did...she'd be executed for sure. She and Luke both would die. she shook the fear off and took it out on the buff bald biker dude she was fighting, and sent a ray of UV light into his thigh, causing him to hit the ground and her to pounce ontop of him, driving a stake hard into his heart, and felt him turn to dust beneath her. The oily residue stained the knees of her jeans and within seconds she was up and fighting again.

Finally, the vamps retreated, and the sun shone warmly down upon the blood-chilled warriors. Sapphire moved with the rest of the crowd, gathering dead and bringing them to the cremation center in the basement. she helped clean the blood and as she moved over to help dress wounds, a loud voice boomed.

"Sapphire McClain is a traitor, she started this fight! She mated with a vampire, and willingly allowed him to drag me off, perhaps in hopes of keeping me as a snack later in the night!" All eyes were now on a roughed up Daniel, who stood with an accusing finger pointed in sapphires direction. fear coursed within her, and she heard whispers begin to fill the room, and felt eyes burning into her soul. Dan had a glazed look over his face, and blood stained the front of his rumpled shirt. the female vampire did this to him, she hypnotized him to get the clan to turn against her.

Dezmant turned an expectant eye towards her. He shuffled closer and brought her hand to his face, then in a manner almost too quick to see, he brought an old yellowed nail across her palm, and allowed the blood to flow. he slid his fingers across the wound, and the blood immediately released a soft lemon scent fill the air about her, as the wound closed, no doubt had the wound woken Luke up, and Luke had healed it, all the way from the other side of the city. love and concern filled her mind as luke reflected the question to her. She answered and didn't even try to hide the fear in her mental voice. the eldest shook his head bitterly and threw her now healed hand back to her, and gave a dismissive wave. she knew she wasn't even going to get a trial. They were going to lock her into the dungeon, and leave her there till nightfall. then they will take her, with her hands and feet tied, to the forbidden. and they will fling her into the street for whatever monster happens to stroll by, as is the accustomed punishment for traitors. Her heart hammered because she knew that if they found luke, they'd burn him. they'd tie him out right at the break of dawn and let the daylight wash over his pale skin. watch it shine off of his lip ring, and glisten in his blonde hair. they'd watch the way her beautiful, perfect Lucas burn and darken in the sunlight, and then take their ceremonial rope back into the vaults, just waiting for the next time it should be used.

Sapphire was grasped by a few strong hands and dragged, defeated, down a stairway, and tossed with a dull and lifeless thump, into the prison. she heard the lock turn, and immediately sent every bit of love she could muster towards Luke. He answered back tenfold the love she had sent. She knew that if she were to die, then this would be what was worth dying for.  She wouldn't change a single thing about it, and now she sits, in the corner of her cell, softly singing with Luke in her mind, as she anxiously waits nightfall, and her untimely death.


WOAH DAN I SAID DONT FUCK WITH MY OTP YOU CUNT DAMN well, I was in a pretty bad mood earlier and I wrote a chapter full of ass-kicking, and now I feel better. as usual, thanks for reading, and also you should check out my personal acc: NerdyAshtonSmirk. Alright, thanks again, bye.

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