Chapter 1 (The Meeting)

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(Beyonce POV)

I usually hate these random student council meetings because they're usually long and boring, but this meeting is surprisingly interesting. We're discussing who is going to take our places after graduation. I'm a senior at NYU and I'm also apart of the poetry club. I've been attending this school since I started college four years ago and I must admit that I have actually grown to love it. I have a lot of people I hang around with everyday but I only consider five of them my actual friends. My best friends slash roommates Kelly and Michelle who moved to New York with from Houston, my home girls Mariah who moved here from California and my home girl Alicia who's from New York and the love of my life Xavier who's also from New York. 

"So Kelly since you're the president of the student council it's your job to start putting together next year's team. Now of course you're not going to elect the full team but it is your job to find someone who can take on the responsibilities as president. We need someone who is going to take the job seriously and someone that we can trust to put together a strong team. Kelly this is not a popularity contest so who you choose must be qualified for the job." Professor Kalu explained. 

Professor Kalu is the head of the student council and she's teaches AP Freshmen English here at the school, which is kind of weird since she's from West Africa and her first language was actually French. Now, Professor Kalu is actually one of my favorite instructors here but when I was a Freshmen I had decided to drop her class because I couldn't understand her accent. Now, three years later I regret it because three years later I can understand her perfectly. She and I became close in my sophomore year when I joined the student council team. Kelly had been elected student council president and she chose me as her vice-president. 

"Professor Kalu you don't to explain this to me." Kelly started. "Bey and I already have someone in mind that we are almost 100% positive will take the job seriously."

"And who might that be?" 

"We think that Xavier will make a great leader." I started. "Plus he's been asking to get on the student council team since he's been here." 

"Xavier...Xavier...Xavier.." Professor stated trying to figure out who this Xavier character is. "Xavier as in your freshman boyfriend, Beyonce."

"Yes, and I know you usually don't like freshmen on the team and especially as president  but I think he is really mature and I strongly believe that he'll do a wonderful job as president."

"I agree with her Professor. Xavier is a really nice guy. He's smart and he has a lot of wonderful ideas that will make next years team even better then this years team."

Kalu waited a minute before she responded. "Ok this what we'll do. We'll let him on this years team and if he can prove that he's worthy we'll appoint him as president next year." 

"Yes!" Kelly cheered. "So do he have to write the entry paper, like the rest of us had to?" 

"Yep and tell him it's due in three days."

"Ok we'll let him know." I said. 

"Ok meeting adjourned. I'll see you all next week but I want Xavier's paper on my desk in three days." 

We gathered all of our things and made our way to the cafeteria. Alicia, Mariah, and Michelle were already sitting down eating when me and Kelly arrived. 

"So how did the meeting go?" Mariah asked as we took our seats next to them. 

"It went well, Kalu is allowing Xavier on the team this year so Kelly and I did our part, the rest is up to Xavier."

"What's up to me?" Xavier said as he kissed me on my cheek and took the seat right next to me. 

"Kalu said that she is going to allow you to join the team this year but you have to write the entry paper which is due in three days." 

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