Hide and Seek

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by shoebeard via NoSleep

As far back as I can remember I've always felt as if people don't notice me. Playing hide and seek in the playground at school, when I was hiding none of the children ever found me, it was as if they weren't even looking for me. I carried this feeling of rejection into my early teens which made me very antisocial, I spent nearly all my free time sat against the Willow at the end of the garden. I felt accepted here.

My parents acted the same as everyone else, when I spoke to them a dull sadness washed over them as if they were disappointed in me. Sometimes they looked as if they wanted to reply but just couldn't bring themselves to do it. I'm so lonely.

It was the postman who made me finally realise on a cold Saturday morning in October. I heard him walking up the long stone drive, his boots crunching through the yellow and orange leaves and his jacket brushing against the thick hedge that lined the drive. I opened the front door before he arrived, longing for a look of gratitude from him. As I eagerly searched his face for a greeting or acknowledgement he called out with a confused look on his face "hello?". "Hi" I quietly replied......nothing. After a few seconds he put the parcel inside the door and left. I was pacing the hall clutching myself, sobbing and screaming uncontrollably. Through the tears I could make out the shape of my Father, Pulling his jacket on as he entered the room, shivering.

As he opened the package he removed several gardening tools, a queer look of relief filled his thin face. He took them out to the conservatory where my mum was sat reading, "They're here love, I can finally get started on taking that ugly tree down" my Father beamed.

NO! They could not take away from me the one place that gave me any joy in this world! I slapped the shovel from my Father's hand in rage. They both screamed and went pale as snow. Finally some acknowledgement. "You've made him angry." croaked my Mother, the fear taking her voice.

My father put on a brave face to mask his fear. "Once the tree's gone we can get to Mike. If there's any bones left we'll dump them in the lake and be rid of this for good."

The game of hide and seek was coming to an end, I was about to be found.

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