Dragon's Prize

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In this world, there is quite a number of men whose fantasy and reality get mixed up big time. One person in particular named Ryu – not his real name – defines Fantasy as working for a secret organization that specializes on extermination with the best tools and technology money could buy, going into missions with a hot bombshell spy lady and getting a king's ransom after completing an assignment. Reality on the other hand, deals with budget cuts, near to impossible missions, killed comrades and getting a wife. It's just a shame though that Ryu's life got so disorganized that both divisions have converged and became one reality. Reality as always, is bittersweet. There is top notch technology but only organizations with an endless supply of gold are able to use it. Just the airfare of all the agents needed for active missions is enough to turn a budget into the red. The bombshell spy lady is like the Tsukinoko – in Japanese mythology, it's a snake that is so elusive and mysterious, everyone knows about it but only a select few have actually seen it. If there really is a bombshell spy out there, he's never worked with one. The only females he's been with in the circuit have bodies that belong to the octagon ring. Females skilled in mixed martial arts that would break your arm if they as much hear a word about gender discrimination in the workplace. He's not complaining at all though. It's better to have a partner that you can trust your back on than someone who's just rack and back. Although - in the farthest reaches of his consciousness when he can't be heard by his female counterparts, that wouldn't be a bad either – he's a man after all.

Ryu let out a deep sigh and gripped the steering wheel tightly. Enough with the needless thoughts, he said to himself. He looked at his passenger from the car's rear-view mirror. Frowning, he went out of his rusty, red, run-down sedan – organization issued – and opened the passenger door. He pulled his passenger out of the car and placed a sack on top of its head.

"This is for your own safety. It's better if no one realizes who you are." Ryu waited for a reply but nothing came. Sighing again, he ushered the passenger towards the entrance of the Warehouse. His eyes darted to several places to survey his surroundings. The building in front of them is not really much of a warehouse but more of a mansion. On the outside, it's a white three-story building that boasts of a huge garden, a convertible tennis/basketball court and a lap pool. It's the epitome of a clichéd poor man's dream house come true. In one of his conversations with Boss, the old man did admit that that's why he bought the place. On the inside of the house, the furniture and fixtures were rare quality items. But even rarer were the occupants of the house. All exterminators each and every one of them.

When they were in front of the doorway, he squeezed his passenger's arm none too gently. "This might not really be necessary since you've never said a word since I captured you, but I would still advise you not to say anything unnecessary." He waited for a reply again. For goodness's sake, even a nod would do.

"Still not talking huh?" He sighed again. He seemed to sigh often these days. If he believed in legends, his luck must've run out of his body already with all the sighing he did since he met his esteemed passenger.

With his free hand, he pressed the doorbell twice. A tall middle aged woman with a crown of long white hair braided on the side, a heart shaped face and beaming smile, greeted them at the door. "Ryu, welcome home!" she exclaimed, her eyes crinkling at the corners, showing her delight of seeing him again.

Ryu smiled in return, "I'm back, Nana."

"You must be tired from your trip. Come in." Without even looking at the person he was securing on his side, Nana ushered him inside the Warehouse.

He followed Nana towards the kitchen. Nana hasn't changed much, he thought while looking at her straight back and slight swagger while walking. At the kitchen, he secured his passenger on a breakfast chair. He also pulled one for himself beside his esteemed package.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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