~ Chapter 1 - the Meeting ~

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Disclaimer: See Prologue.

A repeated beeping noise woke me from my dreamless sleep, groaning I rolled over a switched it off. I opened my eyes to check the time 6:00, I sighed closing my eyes, and soon I was snoozing. Knowing I should probably get up I forced my bruised body out of the comfort of my warm bed, moaning in pain I limp to the bathroom, brush my teeth, fix my hair and walk back out to my closet wondering on what I should wear. You see at my school it is rare to have a day of no school uniform and this rare day happen to land on today, so now I am looking at all my hand me down clothes trying to find the best looking ones with hardly any holes. I didn't have much luck, I threw on some clean boxers, my ripped black jeans with a red belt, long sleeve top with a black Japan-X t-shirt and a faded holey black jumper, ending it off with my black and red converse shoes. I grabbed my bag and ran out the front door skipping breakfast. Not that I eat much anyway.

The walk to school felt longer than usual, or maybe it was because I was dreading the outcome of what would happen today. I walked with my head down through the parking lot of school,

"Oh my god it is him, THE loser"

"Look at him, such a worthless FREAK"

"He should really get new clothes."

"I'm surprised the loser hasn't, his parents are loaded"

The voices of the girls fade as I walk into the school itself, I kept my head low walking into the bathroom, into a stall I let the tears fall. I jumped as the door opened, I kept quiet bringing no attention to myself.

"Okay, tell me now what the hell is wrong with you?" A deep voice cut through.

"Please don't be mad at me Rei, but I had sex with Aoi." A not as deep voice sounded.

"Really? That all, finally are you going to date him?"

"What do you mean finally? I don't know, I mean I don't date you know that."

"Kai and I have been wondering how long it would take for you and Aoi to do something. I know Uru but when you are with Aoi you are a completely different person, you are happier or something. Just think about it or better yet maybe talk to Aoi about it"

"You mean talk to him and see what he wants and see where it leads?"

"Yes that is exactly what I am saying"

"I see" the voices faded as they walked out the door.

I let out the breath I was holding, the tears still falling silently. I let out a deep sob resinating around the tiled walls, I dig through my pocket pulling out my razor and sliding it against my bare scaring arm, multiple times watching the blood pool then slide down my arm. I do the same to other. I quickly clean my arms and bandage them, as the warning bell went. I got out the stall and rinsed my face with water so it looks like I haven't been crying, silently with my head down I make my way through the halls to my class. Along the way I accidently bump into someone, falling to the ground the papers he was holding goes everywhere.

"I'm so sorry, here I'll help you" I said, picking up papers off the floor.

"No, don't worry you don't need to it was just an accident" he said.

"I'm really sorry" I stood, handing back what I had in my hand.

"It's fine really" I nod, I start to travel off in the direction however he reached out and grabbed my wrist. I inwardly winced in pain, but kept my face neutral.

"My name is Yutaka, but I'm called Kai" he smiled, dropping my arm.


"Well Takanori do you want to sit with my group at lunch?" I gaped 'was he for real? Or is this a joke?'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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