CHAPTER 1. The Bad Girl In School.

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A/N: she lives in Boston but I've never been so I'm making up school etc. a picture of Dai's art work.

     I throw my one shoulder bag over my head and grab my skate board. I run outside and hop in the car. "You ready?" Anne asks me as I buckle my self. "Yeah. Let's get this over with." I mumble.

A new school. Again. No one respects art. No one. This is the last school in Boston that will take me. "You just need to stay in school for 2 years then you can focus on art at home." Anne encourages. "Okay. I'll... Behave." I sigh.

    We pull into the school parking lot. I get out and follow Anne into the school. As soon as we enter we make right and are in the front office.

    "Hello." A chubby old women with pepper hair greets us. "Hello, we're here to speak with the principle." Anne speaks. "Name." The women asks. "A new student, Damien Marshal." Anne tells her. "Ah yes, your Anne?" She asks her. "Yes." The women nods. "Mr. Comray will see you now." She gives Anne instructions to the principles' office and Anne leaves.

    "Your schedule." She hands me a sheet of paper with my classes.

First period: Health
Second period: Biology
Third period: Music
Fourth period: lunch
Free period
Fifth period: Art
Sixth period: Math
Seventh period: Gym

   I might need to skip out half those classes. Anne would kill me though. Anne came out with a sweet but stern smile in her face. "We went over the rules last night and you know them so don't you brake them," I nod. "You also have permission to keep on you hoody." I nod. "Have a nice day. Be home for dinner." I give her a hug before heading to my locker.

    I get some looks from the students, scared, disgust and some strange ones from boys. I roll my eye's at every one of them. I find my locker and press in the combination and stuff my books in, taking what I need for my first three classes. I slam my locker shut and start to walk there.

     I freeze when someone walks by me. A hand brushes my elbow, sending sparks through my body, along with pleasure and joy. I don't ever think like this. I whip my head around but only every one is in the hall so I can't tell who's hand brushed  my elbow.

   I shake it off and continue walking. I make my way into class and give my teacher a note. "Ah, Hello Damien." She smiles. "Class this is Damien Marshal." I waved awkwardly. "Hello Damien." They say in unison. "Take a seat." I go to sit in a seat in the middle of an aisle.

I sit down and take out my books, covering my sketch book with a health text book.

"Ms. Marshal," I freeze and look up at my art teacher. "Yes?" I look up. "Are you paying any attention to the lesson?" He asks. "No, not one bit." I say. "How come? I heard you had a nack for art." He crosses his arms over his chest. "Yeah, I do, but, I mean, your teaching us stuff from first grade! We should be learning to use different techniques." I snap. "And what are you doing?" He grabs my sketch book and looks through. "You are very good. But please pay attention." He hands me my book back. The bell rings and I jump up, and sprint out if class.

I'm on my way to Math when I'm stopped in the hall. My sketch book is yanked out if my hands and I look up.

3 burly man-boys stood in front of me. "What do we have here?" One smirks. "Give it back." I demand. "Not gonna happen." Another says. "I. Said. Give. It. Back!" I scream, not caring that every one is watching, and upper cut one square in the jaw. He stumbles, dropping my book.

I pick it up and shove it in my bag, kicking the guy once and walking away, to my locker.

"Wow." A voice behind me speaks. I look back a petite girl is standing there. She has blond hair with a black under tone, white skin with a bit if a tan, blue eye's. "Those boys are a hole year older and you totally whipped his sorry ass." She exclaims. "Yeah, what I'm known for." I mumble.

"Your the new kid, right? Damien?" She actually seems friendly. "Yeah, call me Dai." I tell her. "Cool, I'm Liha." She gives me her hand and I shake it. "What classes you got left?" She asks. "Math and Gym. I'm skipping Math." I say with a shrug. "Cool, I have those same classes, could I ditch Math with you?" I smile. "Sure." I grab my board and walk out if school with my new friend.

We head to the mall.

"So what store do you want to go to?" Liha asks sipping her orange mango smoothie. "I need to go to the art store." I tell her. "Awesome! Let's go." She grabs my hand and drags me towards the art store.

"Wow." I step in the wear house size art store. I started to head to where the spray pants would be. I stopped and let out a frustrated sigh. I walk towards the chashear and slam my hands on the counter.

"Show me where the permanent spray paint is." I growled. "Um.. Those are very expensive-" I cut him off. "Don't care, show me. Now." I snap. He nods, eye's wide and comes around the counter and leads me to the spray paints. I pick out one of all the colors and head to pay. I give the guy my money and walk out if the store, head held high.

"Girl, your awesome!" Liha exclaims. "Yeah, it happens." I look at my phone. "Schools over." I tell her and she gasps. "We missed Math and Gym!" I laugh and nod. "How do you not feel guilty?" She asks. "I do it a lot." I tell her. "My mom will expect me home soon... Text you?" I smile at her and give her my Email Address. "Bye!" She waves. "Bye."

I skate into an ally way and look at the already graffitied wall. The wall is covered in initials, K+J = ❤️,Philip and Cassie forever. And a whole bunch more. I groan and let out a pathetic laugh. Love isn't real, it never ends happily.

   I take out my paint cans and start spraying over it all. When I'm done I step back and admire my work. "Perfect." I whisper. I check my phone. Just enough time to get home and eat. I put every thing back and start skating home.

The Local Bad Girl. #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now