~Number 4~Ouchies!~

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I was in Switzerland (did I spell that right?) with my grade for a field trip. We were supposed to stay there for 5 days, I was in a room with my BFFs Anna, Sarah and Matilde.

It was really late when we came back from our hike, so I quickly put my phone charging in the bathroom and headed to bed.

~~~~~~TIME SKIP TO 3 AM~~~~~~

I was sleeping, having the time of my life in my dream.(I was meeting MIKA!!!!)

All of a sudden I hear my phone vibrating. 

(Now it gets CRAY CRAY! Okay I'll stop)

I shoot upright in bed, bumping my head on the bed above mine (bunk beds).

Trying not to make noise, I creep out of bed, towards the bathroom, only to fall over my luggage.

I need to read this!  

I thought, getting up and sprinting towards the bathroom door. I finally reached it, only to trip over the step before the door (why do they even have those things?!).

I got up once again, and grabbed my phone.

Without thinking, I yelled:

"MIKA TWEETED SOEMTHING!!! OMG OMG OMG WHAT IS IT!!!!!!!" I covered my mouth soon after, realising what I had done.

Surprisingly I haven't woken up my friends. 

I thought I was good until I heard someone knock on the door. I gulped and opened it, hoping it wasn't the teacher.

"MIKA you okay?! I heard screaming!"  It was my crush. (AINT SAYING HIS NAME MATE!!)

"Yeah it was nothing" I said.

"Did you have another nightmare where MIKA died?" He asked playfully.

"Oh shut up!" I whisper shouted at him.

He then saw my phone.

"Oooooohhhh! MIKA tweeted something?" He asked, grinning.

"Um- I-" I was mumbling some random words. "MIKA didn't tweet anything." I replied with a fake smile.

"Sure he didn't." He said back, laughing a little.

I gave him a death glare and he stopped.


Embarrassing Mika-Freak MomentsWhere stories live. Discover now