Chapter 2

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I woke up at 4:30 to pack my clothes because I didn't get to pack them last night but I packed the girls bags the girls were still asleep so I decided to let them sleep in and I wasn't gonna wake them I packed my clothes and took my bag and the girls bags downstairs and put them by the door I went to my basement and got the three person stroller I grabbed Royalty her Minnie Mouse blanket and pillow and picked her up I put the pillow in one of the backseat strollers and sat her down in the seat then put the blanket on her I went up stairs and got April's Frozen blanket and pillow and picked her up and went downstairs I put her pillow down in the other backseat and covered her up with the blanket I went to get Autumn she was crying but she was still sleep so I gave her, her pacifier I picked her up then got her Hello Kitty blanket and pillow I put her pillow down as well and laid her down and put the blanket on her I leaned all the seats back on the stroller but not to far I gave Autumn and Royalty their pacifiers then I went in the kitchen and brought the stroller with me so I could watch them I got April Frozen sippy cup and Royalty Minnie Mouse sippy cup and put regular milk in it and sat it next to them I got Autumn's baby bottle (which is 16 ounces) and got the baby water and poured in her bottle and got the formula I put nine scoops in the bottle then shook it up and put it next to her I rolled the kids in the living room ran upstairs and got their baby bag that they share and then put extra diapers in the bag and went downstairs I sat on the couch then the doorbell rang so I got up looked through the peephole it was Katherine and Scott I opened the door and let them.

"Good morning" they said tiredly

"Morning" I mumbled "were taking the escalade do you guys wanna put your cars in my garages" I asked

"Yeah but we drove together, so Kat can you move the car while I take their bags" Scott asked

"Yeah can I get the keys" he handed them to her she left

"Scott don't put the bags in the trunk put the seats downs so I can set the kids stroller back their why their in it and lock the door" I said getting my purse, baby bag, and stroller I walked out side Scott was putting the seat down "please don't wake them" I said looking at my phone the time was 5:23

I looked up the kids were still asleep and Katherine had just got in the car. "Katherine call my pilot and tell him to come to the private airport asap" I said

"Ok" she mumbled she called Joe and Scott got in the car

"I'm ready" I said he pulled off

We pulled up to the private airport and Joe was already there Katherine and Joe grabbed the bags and Scott grabbed the girls I grabbed my purse and went to the private jet the kids were already in there and Scott, Joe, and Kat were getting more bags I left the girls in the stroller and rolled them to my room Autumn started crying and she had no milk left in here bottle so I breast fed her I still breast feed on my kids including Royalty it was prescribed by her pediatrician Chris wanted me to do it so I agreed and it helps the girls go to sleep faster but anyway Autumn stopped crying and she was awake so I made a Ig video

"Hey guys its Avery *waves and smiles* I'm chilling with my baby Autumn*moves camera further back so they can see Autumn*we're on our way t- *gets cut off by April* mommmy *lays on Avery shoulder* yes *Royalty comes in and lays her other shoulder* I ti'ed *Autumn said* well okay...bye Ig *Avery said* byeeeeee *Autumn, April, and Royalty said*"

After I posted the video I was getting alot of like and comments like 'oh my god Chris Brown daughter' 'those two little girls look like August Alsina is there your not telling us' 'your family is cute' and from thirsty niggas like 'can I get yo numba ma' 'you cute' I looked back down the girls were asleep Katherine came in

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