Chapter One

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*Dan's POV*

I woke up groggily, sitting up and taking in my surroundings. Birds were chirping, the sun's rays were shining through my parted curtains, and the morning traffic of Manchester that greeted me every morning rang throughout my flat.

Well, it was Phil and I's, technically speaking; although it hardly seemed like it anymore. Ever since he'd met Rachel, he barely came home. They'd only known each other for two months before going out.

Stupid Rachel, taking away my best friend like that.

I immediately scolded myself. Who was I to say that Phil couldn't be out of the house? I knew she made him happy, but I couldn't help but feel a slight bit betrayed. Making him happy had been my job for so long, and all of a sudden he just left with her.

I groaned as I got out of bed and moved towards my calendar. A smile crept across my face as I looked at the date.

June 10th, 2015. Tomorrow was my birthday.

None of my friends had remotely considered bringing up my birthday, and I didn't really mind. Since the flat was practically always empty anyways, I'd just have to throw myself a relaxing little celebration for one.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. I heard shuffling and laughter as I poked my head out ever so slightly. Unfortunately, Phil saw me, motioning for me to come out of my little hole.

"Dan! There you are, I was wondering where you'd gone off to!" Phil said as he sat a cup of coffee in front of me.

You're wondering where I'd gone off to?! I thought angrily. I'd never say that out loud, though. This wasn't supposed to be a big deal.

I'd only seen Rachel once, and it was brief. I was wondering when Phil would allow me to properly meet her. I'd ask him time and time again, but he'd always respond with "We'll talk about it. When we're both ready, I'll bring her over. Hey, don't worry about it mate. It'll happen soon, I promise."

I'm assuming that they were both ready because there she sat, a couple meters in front of me, making herself at home on my couch.

There really wasn't anything particularly spectacular about her. She had long brown hair as straight as a stick. Her front bangs hung loosely above her hazel, small, and circular eyes that her long eyelashes seemed to perfectly frame. She had pretty small features compared to Phil and I. Everything from her nose to her hands, even her feet were tiny in comparison. I found this a little unnerving, considering she was a year older than me.

Phil cleared his throat multiple times.

"Dan, Rachel, I know this is awkward and everything, but you guys should formally introduce yourselves."

Phil backed away slowly as we shook hands. I could tell by her furred brow that she was as unhappy with this as I was.

"I'm Dan Howell," I said with a forced smile.

"Rachel Jones," she said with a nod.

"Well miss Jones, you'd better be kind to Phil. Don't treat him with any less love and respect than he deserves." I said impulsively. I had no idea where it came from. I trusted Phil's judgement enough that I knew he picked a nice girl, but it slipped out regardless.

Phil entered with a smile on his face, slipping his arm around her.

"Don't worry Dan, we're perfectly happy," Phil said, glancing down at her perfect little smile. Before I knew it, their lips connected and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

Snap out of it Dan! He's happy.

Watching him be so happy with someone else, it made me feel something weird inside. I couldn't describe it for the life of me. I sure as hell haven't felt it before either.

I ran a list of random emotions in my head, desperately trying to put a name to this strange emotion that had been eating me up inside ever since they got together.

Happiness? Definitely not.

Sadness? I doubt it.

Anger? I hope not.

Finally, one word popped into my head over and over, to the point where I couldn't ignore it anymore. I had instantly pushed it away at first, but now it seemed like the simplest of logic.

I looked over at Phil and his new girlfriend for the last time before running back to my room, slamming the door shut and locking it behind me. Tears stung my eyes and ran down my face as I considered what I felt inside.

Could I be... jealous?

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