Chapter Five

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Phil's POV

As i left the school tears rushed down my face. It was my fault anyways. I bullied him. I can't go home. I can't see my parents see me like this. They'd bug me about it and if they found out i bullied him- i was screwed. I walked on a street i knew, but it still seemed i never been on the street. I walked the seemingly endless pavement and i look at my feet.

Maybe now is the time to change. First step is to change my style. I went to a near by mall and looked around. I tried to stay away from the stores i normally go and think about what if i was Dan. I walked into a store that looks like he goes to. I bought some clothes like jumpers, dress shirts, and a few flower crown. I had enough black jeans. When i was done i looked at what i had i think i may need more- but i didn't have any money left.

I walked home and went inside. I slowly crept my way up the stairs as my mom talked to my dad in the lounge. I went to my room and shut the door behind me softly. I undressed and put on the clothes i just bought to just try them on. I looked at myself in the mirror. I seemed okay in them, i have to get used of them. I put the clothes back and took a shower to become less tense from what happened.

When i was done i got into my pj's and laid on my bed, thinking of the next step into becoming Dan's type of guy. Reading, he likes reading and writing. I wasn't good at that- i had dyslexia. I looked at the time and saw that it was late. My parents were asleep. I slowly left my room and went to my dad's study without making a noise shockingly.

When i got in i searched through the book. "what books does Dan like?"i whisper to myself. I got bored of looking through the choices so i randomly picked a book. I slowly and softly went back to my room. I shut the door and turned on the lamp. I sat on my desk and opened the book.

As i started to read, things got more difficult for me. I soon got stuck on words, i had trouble pronouncing them, it made me more angered to the point i slammed the book shut and leaned back in my chair. I looked at the time and saw how late it was. It was 3 am. I didn't know how tired i was. I slowly walked to my bed and plopped down. Maybe i'll ask Dan to help me finish the book tomorrow...

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