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Rhett's POV

Laina was going to be in school today. Everyone had heard about what happened, and most people were thinking Stella did it on purpose. I had seen it happen, and I distracted her. According to Jack, she had been doing fine. I hadn't been able to visit her this past weekend because I've been with my grandparents. Jack always talked about her, and when I say always, I mean always. Laina this, Laina that, you know what Laina said today? It was obvious he liked her, who wouldn't?

I brushed my teeth and spewed the foam out. I ran outside to catch the bus. Laina wasn't on the bus but Dan was, sitting there chatting away. "If you're wondering where Laina is, my mom took her in early this morning so the nurse would know about it." After that, he just resumed his conversation. I nodded and plopped down next to Link, who looked more anxious than usual.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked, positioning my backpack in my lap.

"Nothing really. This girl named Taylor apparently likes me but I don't know if I do." He was twiddling his thumbs.

"Fun. Well do you like her? Because if she doesn't know that you know then it's fine." I shrugged.

He zipped up his backpack and shook his head. "I like her a little bit, but we practically just met. I'll just stick it out and see how it goes."

"Well, don't wait forever. She might fall for someone else." I immediately thought of Laina. Did she like Jack? Probably. Link nodded as we pulled into the school. We got off and headed inside. Laina was in the nurses office with her mom. Her mom gave a final nod, kissed her forehead, and was off. Laina walked out. I was about to walk over and say hi but Jack beat me to it. They hugged and laughed. Why were they hugging? Laina hates hugs. I shuffled over and stood there. She barely even noticed I was there! I cleared my throat to make my presence known.

"Oh hey Rhett! How are you?" She asked.

"Fine" I answered surprising coldly. Her expression shifted from happiness to confusion.

"Well that's, uh good. Look I have to get to art so I'll see you later." She and Jack took off, in a fit of giggles. What the hell was going on between those two?


Hullo. I actually updated! Schools been annoying but my friends are dragging me through. Please be sure to



and enjoy!



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