Chapter twenty three

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Christian P.O.V.

I had gotten brianna's number at the end of the day and Intend to use it.

When I got home I saw Ethan's motorcycle parked outside Aubrey's house again. I had to fight the urge to kick it down on the sidewalk and doing some damage to it. I walked inside grabing random boxes out of the pantry and slamming the door behind me to my room. I open one of the boxes eating Sam's club crackers while scrolling through my social media's. After about an hour I'd gotten bored and text briannna.

'Hey!' I text getting a reply as quickly as I sent one.

'Hi!' I smile at how simple it was. I quickly text back asking

'How are you? '

'I'm fine. Hbu?' She replies.

'I'm slighlty pissed tbh but I'm hey what can you do? 'I text putting the plan in play.

'Why are you slighlty pissed?' She asked moments later.

'Oh its just this guy named Ethan, you wouldn't know him!' I text back knowingly that she had to meet him in eighth period.

'Ethan who?' Yes, I've gotten her! I quickly reply.


'Oh really, I know him! I met him today in eighth period!'

'Really? That's crazy!' I reply with a smirk on my face thinking out the whole conversation.

'Yeah it is! So what happened between you two?'

'Well he stole my girlfriend from me!'

'Whose your girlfriend?'


'Omg really?'


'Ethan doesn't seem like the type to do something like that, he seemed very in love with her and her with him!' She replies with a smiley face.

I groan at her response, she's one of those where everything is rainbow's and unicorns and people love each other so deeply and blah blah blah.

'God don't tell me, you've fallen for him too?' I reply pissed that I've lost another girl to Ethan's charm.

'No, but I think he's genuinely in love with Aubrey that's all!'

'HE'S NOT GENUINELY IN LOVE WITH AUBREY! I AM! NOT FREAKING ETHAN JAMES, HE DOESNT DESERVE HER I DO I FREAKING DESERVE HER I'VE KNOWN HER SINCE WE WERE FIVE YEARS OLD ILL DO ANYTHING FOR HER, WE ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER AND WE WILL BE TOGETHER!' I replied completely upset with where the conversation went. This wasn't how the conversation was supposed to go she was supposed to be my helper. But now I cant use her I guess I have to do things for myself.

'I'm sorry if I upset you!' She replies moments later

'Its fine I gtg bye!' I don't want to talk anymore just want to plan what Im gonna do.

'Bye' I turn off my phone throwing it on the bed looking up at the ceiling running my hands through my hair. I hear a knock on my bedroom door and I jolt up.

"Can I come in?" A voice ask through the door. I nod saying

"Yeah!" My brother Max comes in plopping on the bed.

"What's up?" I say sitting beside him.

"Can I have some girl advice?" He asks furring his brows rubbing his chin.

"Only if you can give me some girl advice in return?" I say sighing.

"You need girl advice? The great and mighty Christian Riley needs girl advice from his baby brother?" He stares at me bewildered his mouth agape. I shrug and say

"Maybe! "

"Okay well there's this girl and she's absolutely perfect Chris I mean she's the example of perfection from her brown hair to her tan skin to her long legs. She's just beautiful and I really like her. I want to ask her out but I don't know how?" He says with his lips pursed into a thin line. I rub my cheek and think what to say to my brother.

"Just ask her man, the longer you put it off the farther she'll drift  away from you and you don't want that trust me it's a shitty feeling to have the girl your in love with not be with you and not be in love with you when she could've been years ago if you just asked instead of hooking up with different girls through high school. "

"You're talking about your situation with Aubrey aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'm so stupid for not asking her out years ago and now she's basically with Ethan James! I just feel so freaking stupid man I…"

"Do you truly love Aubrey? "Max looks over at me tangling his fingers.

"What did you just say?" I look back at him pissed.

"I said do you truly love Aubrey? "

"Of course I do if I didn't  I wouldn't be putting myself through all this stress and pain and regret! "

"I don't think you are in love with Aubrey! "

"And why do you think that? "

"I think your in love with the idea that you could have Aubrey anytime you want with the snap of your fingers she'll come running but with her having a relationship with Ethan your angry that she won't be under your control anymore. You never loved Aubrey probley didn't even like her you just like to have the chase with her the feeling of I can have her anytime, its sad it took Aubrey this long to realize that you didn't love her but I'm happy she did now then later down the road. Knowing you, you would've strung her along your whole damn adult life until you died!"

Max spits out his words with disgust and hatred and I look at him bewildered. He begins to laugh at me.

"What?" I ask clenched my teeth together making them grind against each other. He stands up clasping his hands together.

"Its so funny how your not even denying a thing a just said you act as if your surprised  but you know I hit it directly on the nose didn't I ?"

I don't respond I just glare up at him biting the inside of my jaw.

"I did, I know I did you don't have to tell me I know already. I hope I helped you as much as you helped me!"

"Get the hell out! " I say pissed off at my brother. He was always jealous of me being the star football player and being the better looking one of the brothers I'm just better period!

"No problem, goodnight bro!" He leaves smiling closing the door behind him. I blow out a frustrated breath and lay down on my bed. I get up taking off my clothes and laying underneath the cover looking up at the ceiling rerunning what Max said about me not really loving Aubrey!

Is it true? Is he right about this? Am I a horrible person? Do I really love her? He just saying things to get under my skin so I wont get Aubrey! Maybe he likes Aubrey and doesn't want me to be with her so he can have her to himself.

But Im not gonna let that happen she is mine no matter what or who gets in my way.

Are we friends with benefits?  (bwwm)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن