Here We Go Again.

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I sit here and I wonder what today will have in store, when all of my 3 children come running through the door.

You see it is the end of the school day, the part of day I always dread, the part of day when my insanity ends up just hanging by a thread.

No doubt there will be arguments, fights and tears too, shortly followed by my shouting that will echo round the room.

Here we go again, is what I'm thinking to myself, as I shout these seven words at them thinking it will help.

'This is your first and final warning'. These are the words in which I say, even though deep down I really know they'll be used at least 10 more times today.

So for now all is peaceful but I know the peace won't last, because it's only quiet whilst their thinking up their revenge attack.

So I'm just going to sit down here and stare up at the clock.
It feels like it will take forever for the hands to get round to 8 O clock.

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