Chapter Ten

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Later that night, I found Slash passed out on the couch, his mouth gaping slightly and soft snores leaving his lips. I chuckled quietly into my hand as I continued to walk into the kitchen, grabbing some bread to snack on. I sighed as I lent against the bench as I munched on the piece of bread, filling myself a cup of water to help it go down easier. Last night had my hormones raging, not gonna lie, but I knew I didn't feel the same way about Slash as I did with Steven. Sure, Slash was attractive and all, but Steven had my heart for sure. I had pondered about my feelings for hours on end tonight, which is why I felt the need to eat.

I gulped down the glass of water before making my way up to the bedroom, trying to be extra quiet around Slash. I didn't want him to wake up because I knew he wouldn't let me leave. I chuckled almost silently to myself at the thought. God, I hated being a girl sometimes.

I walked into the bathroom to relieve myself when I heard a quiet sob. In fact, I almost didn't even hear it, it was that quiet. I frowned, gently closing the door to the bathroom as much as I could before doing my business, still hearing crying. I had never seen any of the boys cry before, and I knew there were no other females in the house. I rinsed my hands quickly before tiptoeing down the small hallway to where the crying became more audible. I peaked my head around the doorway, seeing the mop of blonde hair and his legs pull to his chest.

"Steven?" I whispered, making sure he could see who it was. As soon as I spoke to him, he jumped in fright, feverishly wiping the tears from his face. He attempted to smile at me, but he failed and started ti cry again. 

"Stevie, what's wrong?" I asked him softly, climbing under the covers with him to be a source of comfort for him. 

He instantly snuggled into me, crying into my shirt, his face resting on top of my chest. I played with his hair gently, praying that he didn't hear how fast my heart rate was. 

"You know today how Slash asked me about my 'girlfriend'?" He asked me softly, his voice wavering slightly as he spoke. I clenched my jaw, closing my eyes tightly. I knew what his answer would be. 

"Yeah, I remember. Why?" I asked, playing with the hem of my shirt. 

"I actually don't have one. I haven't for a while, she left me months ago," he told me gently, tears streaming down his face as he spoke.

I know nobody should be happy to hear that, but man, I was. That sounds incredibly selfish of me, I know, but I couldn't help but think it. I cleared my throat slightly before replying to him.

"Stevie, you don't need a girl just because the others do. You should try to find someone you actually like, rather than bringing all these girls home," and making me jealous, "Who knows, maybe you'll find the right girl if you look hard enough," I mumbled softly, closing my eyes as I heard my subconscious muttering things about about how jealous I was not to have him. Shut up!

Steven smiled at my words, I assume, and he sat up to look at me properly. The drawn curtains let the moonlight shine through, illuminating his features. "But," he spoke up, but decided against it.

"What, Stevie?"

"But, I think I found her already."

He beamed at his words, a genuine smile crossing his features. I smiled too, but it wasn't real. Not at all.

"That's great, buddy," I mumbled softy, turning to look out of the window out of disappointment. 

I jumped slightly when Steven gently touched my cheek, turning to look at him. I gave him a confused look, a frown following. What the fuck?

"Yeah. Yeah, it is," he grinned, his eyes glancing down to my lips and back up to my eyes again. 

Oh my God, he's not gonna-

I smiled, this time, a real one as he leant in closer, pressing his lips to mine gently, as if he was a bit hesitant of his actions. I instantly kissed him back, my hands tangling into his blonde locks as he pulled me on to his lap. He gently parted my lips with his tongue, grinning when I let him have access. He rested his forehead against mine as we pulled away from each other, grinning from ear to ear. 

"Shit, Nellie," he whispered breathlessly, pecking my lips again.

"Yeah, Stevie, shit," I giggled softly, snuggling into him as we both laid down together, pulling the comforter up as we got comfortable. I felt like I was soaring, and I wasn't high, or even drunk. 

As we laid there for a few moments in comfortable silence, sleep began to take over, and soon, I fell asleep, happy he was mine.

The Girl Gunner?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora