Chapter 2 (Edited ✔️)

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2 Years Later
Zoe's POV

It's been two years since I left the Moonlight pack. I am currently 21 years old and things have been great since I've joined the Midnight pack. Alpha Jacob has kept his word about allowing me to raise Belle and training me. I am now the strongest in the pack. Well aside from the alpha and beta. It took awhile for me and Belle to adjust but in the end we managed.

The training was really tough but what do you expect from the world's strongest pack? They didn't just lounge around doing nothing to get where they are. I had trained everyday to catch up with the pack. In the end I excelled in hand to hand combat, fighting in wolf form, fighting with all sorts of weapons, and using my powers. Ah yes, my powers. Because I have a very rare wolf, this wolf comes with great power. I didn't find out about it until I read about it in the history of wolves.

Apparently every rare wolf has a type of power. Not all will always be the same. So after finding that out, I wanted to see what kind of powers I had. Each power was listed in the book but after a few tries on seeing which one I had, I had finally found it. I had the power to control all four elements, the wind, water, fire and air. Basically like the avatar. Cool right?

Anyway enough about that. Let's talk about my little angel, Belle. After a year had passed of being a part of the Midnight pack, I had officially adopted Belle as my own daughter. So she is now Belle Fukuyama. She is now 5 years old and is enrolled in school. She is actually really smart for her age, so she skipped to the second grade. But she is still shy around others she does not know.

Speaking of school, I was able to graduate high school as an honors student. It wasn't that hard considering I am still and always will be a nerd. But yeah, after I graduated from a school that was near the pack house, I decided to just take some time off of school and go to college later on. Which leads us to where we are today, two years later. Wow time sure does fly by.

I am currently on my way to pick up Belle from school when the Alpha packlinked me asking if I could meet him in his office when I got home. Of course I agreed. So once I picked her up and got back home I told Belle to do her homework in our room. After making sure she was doing her homework and that she would be fine, I headed to the alpha's office. When I reached the Alpha's office, I knocked twice and waited.

"Come in," he said.

I opened the door and closed it before walking towards one of the chairs.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked as I took a seat in front of his desk.

"Yes I have a question and bad news for you." He said.

I looked at him and nodded signaling for him to continue.

He nodded and then began to speak. "Alright, how do you feel about teaching a pack how to fight?" He asked.

I look at him confused before answering, "I honestly see no reason why there would be a reason to object." I paused, then asked, "If I may ask, what pack would I be teaching?"

Alpha Jacob stayed quiet for a moment before speaking, "And that would be the bad news. It's your old pack." He said.

"Why would they need our help sir?" I asked curiously.

"There have been a lot of rouge attacks going on near there and they can't defend themselves off anymore." He said.

"Ha! That's a shocker." I said then thought about training them. Then Alex popped into my head, but disappeared as fast as it came. "Sure I don't mind. Let's take a trip to my old pack's house." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Zoe..." he said cautiously.

"I know..I know..but I'm kind of curious to see why the moonlight pack is having a hard time defending themselves." I said and stood up.

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