Chapter One: Choosing

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First off when I am talking it will be bold and her thoughts will be Italic. Ok so Jill looks like the pic on top and has that hair. It's my first so don't expect it to be awesome. Hope you like it!!!

"So, how are we gonna do this?" I asked my twin. "I pick two, one boy and one girl, and you pick two, one boy and one girl." he replied like it was obvious. "Ok, BennyBoo!" I added knowing it annoyed the crap out of him. "Where did you put their profiles?"
Oh crap! I forgot to introduce myself! Hi! I'm Jillian but everyone calls me Jill! I am daughter of King Beast and Queen Belle and Ben's twin sister. Next month Ben and I will have our coronation and become co-rulers of The United States Of Auradon. As our first proclamation as King and Queen of Auradon we decided we invite
four kids from the Isle of the Lost to go to school here at Auradon Prep. As you heard I choose two and Ben chooses two. Right now we are in Ben's room choosing them. So I think that's everything.

"On my desk!" he answered from the balcony. I grabbed the folders and looked at them. There where two, one of boys and one of girls. I picked up the boy's folder and looked through it after about 2 minutes I finally decided on one. Carlos De Vil, son of Cruella De Vil Then I went to through the girls file and had it narrowed down in like ten seconds. Evie, Daughter of the Evil Queen. I know it isn't something a future queen would do but I have to admit I chose Carlos because he was beyond cute and I chose Evie because I thought her and I would make great friends.
I told Ben who I chose and gave him the files. I checked my phone and saw that it was 9:00!!! "It's 9 so i'm gonna head off to bed, but make sure you tell me who you choose before our fitting tomorrow." After that I headed of to my room to find Ariana (daughter of Eric and Ariel and my roomate) already asleep. So I grabbed my pajamas and snuck into the bathroom to vet changed, brush my teeth, braid my hair, and wash my face, then i went to bed.

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