Chapter 1: Help is Here

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Hey guys! So sorry for the late update. I lost my notebook with my original plan for this, but I found it! Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter.

I sat with the lights off, not wanting to see the puddles of blood and vomit on the floor. I only started throwing up when I tried to eat an apple. My stomach
rejected anything I ate after that. I honestly didn't care anymore. No one cared. If they did, I wouldn't be like this. Nico, one of the few people who cared, tried to get me out. I just stayed slient, pretending to be asleep.

Thalia didn't mind me being gay either. In fact, she beat the crap out of Jason for breaking my heart. It still didn't get me out though. Nico worked for his father, so he was gone most of the time. Thalia is a still a hunter, trying to re-populate the hunters after the war, so she was also gone. None of the gods cared either.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden bright light. Once it faded, in its place stood Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. She made the lights come on with the snap of her fingers. I heard her gasp at the sight in front of her.

"Percy, what happened in here? And what is that smell?" Aphrodite asked, sitting next to me.

"The vomit on the floor," I said, pointing towards it. "As for what happened, I've lost ed everything I have ever loved."

I looked down at my lap, tears glistening in my eyes. Aphrodite placed a finger under my chin, lifting my head until she saw my face. She gave me a weak smile.

"I've seen it all Percy. That's why I want to give you an offer," Aphrodite smiled even bigger.

I gave her a look to show I was listening.

"I want you to become my warrior and heir to my throne," she said, brushing hair away from my eyes.

Heir?! That's a major honor coming from the oldest Olympian. Maybe I wouldn't have to stay here anymore. It's obvious I'm not wanted.

"I accept." I let a small smile grace my mouth for the first time in weeks.

Aphrodite squealed, hugged me, and kisses both my cheeks.

"Fabtastic," Aphrodite said. "Okay, let's get you out of here, it reeks of depression."

I laughed  lightly before grasping her hand. With a flash, were gone.

Okay, there was a longer chapter to hopefully make up for the lack of updates. I am currently looking for a beta for this story and possibly another one. If your interested PM and I'll get back to you if you are. Vote and Comment!!


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