A Simple Explanation

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This is the story of my painting. It is also the story of  a homeless man who chucked paint at me and then helped me destroy it.

Here's a quick sum up of me:
My name is Troy. Troy CeBele. I am an artist. I  have green eyes, and scruffy brown hair.  It gets like this because I never bother to cut it. Once I painted a painting of two people. The painting screamed. Any questions? No? Good. Let's move on to Dominic.

Here a quick sum up of Dominic.
Dominic, or Dom for short, is a homeless man who threw cursed paint at me (yes, he's a very nice man). He's quite tall, and has scruffier hair than me, which is quite rare. He has one brown eye and one blue eye. Both of his eyes are constantly blood shot. He's sort of (really) grumpy and incredibly smart. Any questions? No? Wow, your great! Now, let's move on to the real story.

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