The Paint

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I was walking back from the art gallery when a wrinkly old man sitting on the corner threw paint on the side walk. I picked it up and looked at the paint. The lable said:

Fantasy paint; You'll be up all night looking at your painting!

I looked a the man who threw paint.

He spoke calmly and said, "It's cursed for all I know. However if you take the paint, know this: the label is true, very true."

Me being the foolish moron I was, I didn't believe in curses so I took it.

I got home and started to paint. As I painted I couldn't get the man's warning  out of mt head. What did it mean? Was this some prank? Meh. I didn't care. My friends wanted a painting and I was going to give them one.

The next day I got up and did my daily morning routine:

Get up. Eat. Get ready for the day. Go to the art gallery.

By the time I get back from the gallery it's normally lunch and I eat.

However, today was different, the man walked up to me and asked me,

"Did you use the paint?"

"Yes." I said proudly but also a bit frightened.

"WHY?! You didn't listen to me?"

"You weren't very specific. You said the labele is true. What  was supposed to tell me?"

He looked at me like I was stupid, and without a word walked away. I was quite confused. Why wouldn't he tell me? Strange. Probably some prank. Besides he's homeless, who knows what's happened to him?! He lives on the streets!

When I got home I started to paint. I painted my friend and his wife, as the painting was their wedding present. The whole afternoon went by. I started to realize how hungry I was. I stopped painting and started to make dinner. I looked at my painting. It was almost done, just a few more details and it would be finished.

I painted as I ate.

I finished supper and shorty after I finished my painting. I was perfect! My friends would love it!
I looked at the clock.
1:44 am.
I went straight to bed. How was it all ready 1:44 am?! 
I crawled into bed. As I started to fall asleep I started to hear muffled screams. Soon the screams were louder than I could take. They got louder and louder and louder. I'm probably tired I thought to myself. I tried to block out the screaming.
That didn't work at all.
What was going on?
Was I going mental?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2015 ⏰

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