Chapter 1

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A/n italics are her thoughts
April's POV
"April? April wake up! We're going to be late for our flight!" My mom yells from the bottom of the stairs. I stir a little before fluttering my eyes open. Flight? "What flight?" I question, still half asleep. "Our flight to New Jersey!" My mom jogs my mermory. Oh yeah. Today's the day we move. Let me fill you in.
I was walking home from school with my best friend Violet. We live very close to each other so we walk home together everyday. We were talking and goofing around, when my phone started ringing. I pulled out my phone from the back pocket of my high waisted grey jeans, seeing my mom's caller ID. "Sorry it's my mom." I apologize for interrupting Violet's story. "Don't worry about it." She smiles. I swipe accept and put the phone to my ear.
*phone convo*
A: Hello?
M: Hi sweetheart, where are you?
I look up to see where we were, before putting the phone back on my ear.
A: About 5 minutes away, why what's wrong?
M: Oh nothing. We just have a big surprise for you.
I get the biggest smile on my face because I love a good surprise.
A: Well what is it?
M: You'll find out when you get home.
A: Ok I'll see you soon. Bye!
*End of phone call*
I hang up and slide the phone back into my pocket, still with a smile on my face. "What's with the smile?" Violet asks, smiling. "My mom said she has a surprise for me at home and I'm so curious! It can be anything!" I dramatically throw my hands up in the air. "Well we're almost there so you'll find out soon." She laughs. I smile back and we continue walking home.
I hugged Violet goodbye, before walking up to my door. I unlock the door and open it, about to walk in when Violet yells, "Tell me what happens!" "Of course!" I yell back, waving. I walk in to see my parents sitting in the living room. I drop my bag to the floor and walk into the living room, seeing my parents. They look so nervous. "Hey guys..." I greet, awkwardly. "Oh sweetie, you're home! Come sit." My mother greets me. I sit on one of the couches and stare at them. "So what's this surprise?" I ask, not being able to contain my curiosity. "Well your father has some interesting news, Steve?" My mom informs me, turning towards my father. "Oh right. Well, honey, my job reassigned me to another cooperation that pays extra." My father explains. My smile grew even bigger. "Dad that's amazing!" I yell, running over to him and hug him. "Well there's one more thing." My dad says, after letting go of our hug. "What?" I smile. "Well... Its not in the neighborhood." He tells me, obviously hiding something. "Well then where is it?" I say, getting worried. "New Jersey!" He says, half worried and half excited. "Wha-what?" I gasp, backing up. "Yes! New Jersey! Isn't this wonderful? It would be nice for a change!" My mother chimes in, excited. How could she be excited? We've lived here forever! What about Violet? I can't leave her. "No this isn't wonderful! We've lived here forever! How can you just drop everything and move?" I raise my voice, slightly. "April, watch your tone. This is exciting and if we have the opportunity to get some extra money then we will take it." She yells back, trying to put me in my place. "This is so unfair! How can you just seperate Violet and I!?" I yell, tears brimming my eyes. "This is your opportunity to make new friends. Now this is whats going to happen." My mom demands, crossing her arms. "This sucks!" I yell, grabbing my bag and running upstairs into my bedroom. I lock the door and slide down the door, letting my tears go. I grab my phone, clicking on Violet's contact and calling her.
*Phone convo*
V: Hello?
A: Vi-Violet?
V: April? What's wrong?
A: So that surprise tha-that my mom was going to tell me was-wasn't so exciting.
V: Well what was it?
A: We-We're moving.
V: What?
*End of flashback*
I cried for about two days straight. I didn't talk to my parents until last night. I knew it wasn't their fault, they were just trying to do what was best for us. I spent the whole day with Violet yesterday to say goodbye. I finally sat up in my bed, putting on my glasses and grabbing my phone to check the time. It was now 3:46 in the morning. Our flight is at 6:00 so we needed to be out by at least 4:30. I sigh, getting up and walking towards the bathroom. I walk in and use the bathroom, brush my teeth and do some light makeup. I don't even bother with makeup because I'm lazy. I walk out, shutting the light and walk towards my room, again. I walk towards my empty dresser pulling out my black and two striped pull over sweatshirt, my grey sweats and my long black socks. I stripped out of my pajamas, putting on my outfit. I walked over to my desk with a mirror and sat down. I took off my glasses to brush my straight, long light brown hair, tying it into a messy bun. I got up and walked over to my door, grabbing my black and white Nike running shoes. I slipped them on and walked over to grab my grey bookbag from my empty closet. I put in my I HATE MYSELFIE book by Shane Dawson, my laptop, phone and laptop chargers, my galaxy printed pillow, blanket and makeup bag. I close it and swing it over my shoulder, grabbing my two black suitcases, phone and my white/paint splattered beats, walking downstairs.
"Goodmorning sweetheart." My mom greets me and kisses my forehead. "Morning." I slump. "Come on sweetheart, please stop being mad at me." She pleads. "I'm not mad just sad to leave." I explain. By now the movers were taking out the furniture. "I know." She sighs and walks out of the kitchen. I grab a bowl from the cabinet, pouring a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and milk. I sit at the island and drop my bag to the ground, enjoying my last breakfast in my house. I grab my phone and call Violet over Facetime. After about 3 rings, a sleepy Violet appears.
*Video call*
V: Hello?
A: Hey sorry to wake you its just I'm leaving today.
V: Wait that's today?!
By now she jumped out of bed and ran over to her bathroom to fix herself.
A: Yeah that's today, unfortunately.
V: Are you stopping by?
A: Yeah of course I am. If I don't then I seriously won't talk to them.
V: Good so I'll see you soon.
A: Yup bye!
I smile and end the call. I finish my cereal and put my bowl into the sink, walking into the living room. I was going to watch some tv but the movers started bringing that furniture out. I sighed and walked back to the kitchen, jumping on top of the island. I watched some youtube videos, when my dad called me to the front door. I walked up to him and before I could say anything, my dad beats me to it. "We got to go if you want to say goodbye to Violet and make the flight." "Well that's one of two things I want to do." I lean on one foot. "Ok we don't have to stop by Violet's if you really don't want to." My dad jokes. "Oh stop you know that's not what I meant." I chuckle. "I know. And I know you're still upset about moving but once you get settled in and see the new house, you'll warm up to the situation." He tries to cheer me up. "Maybe." I return to my slump and go back into to the kitchen to get my suitcases. I walk out towards the car and hand my suitcases off to my dad so he can put them into the trunk of the cab. I get in and get comfortable before taking out my phone to text Violet.
~A~: Hey see you in about 5 mintues.
Vee: okie
My dad gets into the cab, along with my mom and the cab driver takes off towards Violet's.
We pull up to see Violet sitting on the steps of her house. I get out of the cab, Violet finally noticing me and runs towards me. I run towards her, leaving the car door open. We meet and engulf each other in a tight hug. "Is there anyway for you to stay?" She pleads. "I tried everything. They won't budge." I sigh on her shoulder. "But you can't leave! You're the greastest friend there is!" She cries into my ear. "This isn't goodbye! We'll always be best friends!" We pull away to look at each other. "But its not gonna be the same without you..." She sighs, her eyes brimming with tears. "And a new life won't be the same without you. I love you!" I smile, now bawling my eyes out. She grabs me into a hug, once again. "I love you too! Don't forget about me." She cries even harder. "I wouldn't dare to! And don't forget about me either!" I cry back. We let go, wiping our tears and giggling. I walk back to the cab, getting in and shutting the door. I wave goodbye, still crying. My dad tells the cab driver where to next. He drives off, driving towards the airport.
I finally finished crying about 5 minutes before we got the airport. I got out, grabbing my bookbag and swing it over my shoulder. I shut the door, looking into the window to see my puffy, red eyes. I sigh and walk to the trunk to grab my two suitcases and rolling them towards the entrance with my parents following behind. We get through security and wait for our plane to be called. Flight 106 to New Jersey now boarding is what I hear on the speaker. We all get up and walk towards the flight attendant, handing in our tickets and boarding the plane. The plane takes off and I take out my pillow and blanket from my bookbag, getting comfortable. I take out my headphones, playing my pandora and closing my eyes. About ten minutes later I felt my eyes get heavy and I drift off to sleep.
I felt my body shaking and I flutter my eyes open to see my mom. "Wake up sweetie, we landed". I stretch, looking around to see our half empty plane. I pack away my blanket and pillow, getting up to exit the plane. We wait for our luggage, grab it and call a taxi to take to the house. We get into the taxi and my dad tells the man our address, driving towards our house. We arrive at a modern wooden house that made my jaw drop. This is nothing like the house in Oklahoma. But it still won't have the same childhood memories. I get out and grab my luggage, walking towards the house. My parents walk up and unlock the door. The inside was even prettier. I walked upstairs and look at all the rooms, trying to see which one I liked. I reached the end of the hall and walked into the room. I opened it and fell in love instantly. It wasn't too big and wasn't too small. I mean the beige colored walls didn't add any points but once I paint it a mint green then it will be perfect. I set my stuff down and just sit there, taking everything that has happened in. This is my new life and its too late to go back.
A/N hi! Im so excited for this story! This chapter was more of a filler on the day they moved and what happened before. I hope you enjoy! Love you! Later

The move // Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now