Chaper One: Hired by A Phantomhive

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Call Me Master
a Black Butler Fanfiction (Modern Day)
ceil x reader
{Chapter One: Hired by a Phantomhive}

Ceil's POV

I sat in my chair slumped over on my desk and sighed.
"Master we haven't even begun looking yet why are you so grouchy?" Sebastian questioned.
I looked out the window of my study and gazed at the long line of men and women standing outside the manor doors.
"With this many people it will take us two days to get through them all!" I said with a grumble and waved at Sebastian. "Let them in"

We had gone through at least 70 people and number 71 was on their way in. She was a tall lady about a year or two older than I was, she had long blonde hair that cascaded over her shoulders like golden waterfalls and her eyes, oh her eyes were the most beautiful dark blue I had ever seen. She had an hourglass shaped body with a large chest and a beautiful smile. She sat down in the chair across from me and introduced herself as miss Emily Miller. She began to talk about herself and more about herself. "And then I started to clo-" "Thank you miss Emily I have heard quite enough, please go wait with the others" I said and motioned towards the door. She got up and looked at herself in the mirror that I had just got put in my study.

Sebastian opened the door and the most beautiful woman I had ever seen walked in. Her (e/c) hair complimented her face shape so well, her sparkling (e/c) eyes looked so beautiful in the light of the room, her short black dress fit like a glove over her beautifully shaped body and her lips looked so soft and delicate. "Please sit" I motioned towards a large chair that none of the other candidates had sat in. The chair was at a small table over in the corner of my study with another chair right across from it which I sat in. The girls eyes looked around the study as she hesitantly took a seat across from me. She sat quietly nibbling her cheek and twiddling her thumbs. She looked up at me so I flashed her a smile and she blushed and smiled back weakly; she was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I decided to introduce myself so she would feel a bit more comfortable.
"I'm Ceil Phantom hive and you are?" I asked and tilted my head a bit.
She looked up quickly "Oh! I'm (y/n) (l/n)!" She said looking a little embarrassed.
Even her name was beautiful. I asked her a few more questions before I made my decision.
"Sebastian!" I called to my butler.
"Yes sir?"
"Tell the others to go home"
"But si-"
"That is an order" I said and glared at him
"As you wish" he said and flashed (y/n) one of his signature smiles and closed the door.
"Th-thank you! Im really looking forward to working for you!" She said quickly which made me laugh a bit. I stood up and offered her my hand which she tenderly took. I helped her up and walked her out of my study to her new room.


Ceil was very kind hearted and sweet, you were so glad he picked you to work in his mansion for him! Ceil showed you to your room. He pushed open one of the two doors and walked you in, it was like the size of your house! You looked around in awe and heard Ceil chuckle behind you which made you blush a bit.
"So? Do you like it?" Ceil asked and smiled at you.
"This is pretty cool" you said flatly which made Ceil sink a bit but inside your head you were thinking 'Holy fuck this is amazing!' but you didn't want to seem to childish. "Does this not meet your standards?" Ceil asked but before you could answer he was dragging you down the long hall. You stopped at the end and Ceil opened a large door into the... Master bedroom?!
"Ceil really you don't have to do this! This is your room you should get to sleep in here!" You tried to object his offer
"Who said I wouldn't be sleeping in here?" Ceil said with a light smirk appearing on his lips causing you to blush.
"So am I sleeping on the floor?" You asked as your face went red.
"No you are sleeping in the bed, with me" Ceil said answering your next question "is that okay?" You didn't want to be rude so you just nodded and rubbed your neck as Ceil walked past you into your guys's room.

Call Me Master A Ciel x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now