Sweet & Sweet

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"Ah! Atsushi-kun! You ate my chocolates again! You Baka giant!"

Saki yelled at him with a pout and tried to punch him on his stomach, but it was useless, Atsushi would not budge because of some weak punches.

"Eh~ Kacachin~ I didn't..."

Atsushi was staring at Kaca with lazy eyes. Kaca just continued yelling at him. She was sure Atsushi is the one who ate her precious Chocolates. Atsushi and Kaca was classmates, First years, Yosen Gakuen. They were arguing until Himuro walked in class. He just smiled at the scene.

"My, my you two are arguing again. What is happened this time?"

Himuro took a seat at a random chair in class close to those sweet lovers. Kaca and Atsushi took a glance to Himuro. Himuro was wearing his usual smile. Both Kaca and Atsushi started complaining.

"Tatsuya-kun! Atsushi-kun ate my Chocolates again!"
"NO~I didn't!"

Kaca and Atsushi were glaring at each other now. Kaca was totally pissed but about Atsushi, he was angry indeed but you could see a sadness in his eyes too.
Himuro's eyes widened suddenly, He just remembered something really important. Something he should tell Kaca yesterday. He did sigh to himself and his forgetfulness.
Kaca and Atsushi started arguing again.

-NO! I am sure you ate them, Atsushi-kun! You did it last time!
-But I didn't eat them, I promised you to not eat yours. So I didn't eat them this time! I am not lying Kacachin.
-Then where are they?
-I don't know!

Atsushi were really sad now. He was telling the truth but Kaca, well couldn't believe him. Himuro stood up suddenly, so fast to make both sweet lovers stare at him.

"Ah! I am sorry Kaca-chan!"

Now Kaca were wearing a confused face. Himuro would not wear that frightening face always, so both Kaca and Atsushi were a little confused. Kaca walked to Himuro and looked at him in eyes.

-Um...You don't have to apologize Tatsuya-kun.
-Well, I have to actually. Kaca-chan you know, I took your chocolates.

Kaca were more confused now. What does it mean? Himuro took her chocolates, then...then...she was yelling at Atsushi erroneous?
No, that couldn't be.

"Actually, yesterday I gave them to cooking club. They were in hurry and needed some chocolates so I just lent your sweets. I'm so sorry I completely forgot to tell you."

Then she was wrong. That's it, she yelled at Atsushi erroneous. Kaca tried to be calm. She could feel a strong feeling with all her body, that wasn't anger that was regret. She didn't believe Atsushi and it was really bad.

"See? I didn't eat them."

Atsushi just told this sentence and leave the empty class. Himuro tried to call him but he had left already.

- I'm sorry Kaca-chan. That was my fault.
- It's okay.

Saki was very sad now but Atsushi were sadder than her. She just left the class and head home alone. She was ashamed of herself, how she could look into Atsushi's eyes again. Kaca covered her face with her palms and took a deep breath, she have to apologize after all, hmm?

After about five minutes she was home. She headed to her room and closed door, changed and lied on her bed.

'Ah, Tatsuya-kun. I ruined his feeling now.'

She thought to herself. It's true she have hurt his feelings. Kaca took her phone and stared at the screen, the phone's wallpaper was Kaca and Atsushi smiling. Suddenly an idea popped in her head so she got up and get dressed and head out.
It was around 5p.m but the sky wasn't that dark yet. Kaca ran to her and his favorite shop, yes the sweet shop. Kaca wanted to buy a lot of things now.

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