Chapter 3: Unexpected visitor

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"We are totally going to kick your ass tonight!" I spoke to my brother who plays for the Chicago Blackhawks.

"Yeah right Alex." He scoffed.

"We'll see about that, Kane." I smirked and hung up.

It was finally time for playoffs and this series we were playing the Chicago Blackhawks aka my brothers team.

"Brayden, you coming?" I hollered down the hall. I heard some shuffling and then watched as Brayden walked out in his suit and tie. His hair was still partially wet due to the shower he had taken.

"Yeah, let's go." He took my hand and we walked downstairs and out the door.


As I was getting my equipment on, Claude (Captain of the Flyers) walked up to me.

"First game with that A on your chest. How do you feel?" He smiled.

"It feels good." I looked at at. "Real good." Claude grinned and patted my back.

"You'll do good, Laughton." And with that, he walked back to his stall which was across the room.

I stood up and pulled my jersey over my head and grabbed my stick, helmet, and mouth guard.

I made sure everything was in check before I sat back down and let Coach Give his 'Pre-Game speech'.


I stood at the locker room door and held out my glove covered hand in a fist.

The players walked out of the locker room, fist bumping my glove.

Claude game and fist bumped my glove and tapped my helmet.

Since Claude was the last one, I hit my stick against the floor-something I do before every game- and walked out.

One by one, each of us got out onto the ice.

When I finally got to the tunnel, I slapped the hands of the fans above me.

I got to the end and let my blades take me. The feeling I got when I stepped out into home ice was thrilling. Having that sea of orange watch me play... I could never get a better feeling than that.

I saw the Hawks take the ice right after us and immediately I saw my curly haired brother.

I skated over to wear our halves meet and started to stretch. Patrick came over and did the same thing.

"Preparing to get your ass kicked, eh?" I smirked and lightly shoved him.

"Hey, don't get too ahead of yourself there. It's only game one." I mentally rolled my eyes at the thought of game one.

Ahhh, the dreaded game one. It's like a game seven but in the beginning. It's always got the fans up and standing, cheering for their favorite team to win. Right now, everyone is cheering "Let's go Flyers!" And that's a sound I could never get sick of.

It made me proud to play with this organization.

"We'll have fun." He winked and gave me a light hug before skating over to do some drills.

I got up and started to skate a bit. I passed Pierre and he stopped me for a quick interview.

"Here we have Alex Laughton. Alex, how does it feel to play your first game as assistant captain?" He put the microphone towards my mouth as I thought of a quick response.

"It fees great. I mean, I was a little disappointed that Mark Streit was retiring but I'm glad he picked me. I'll be sure to take care of it." Pierre laughed a bit and went to ask another question.

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