I can sence that

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Will: I can sence ponys.
Pinkey Pie: Of corse you do, Will. I am Pinkey Pie. I love party's and my cutie mark is three ballons.
AppleJack: It is nice to meet you Will. My name is AppleJack. I work on an apple farm and my cutie mark is three apples.
Rareaty: What are you wearing?!?! Anyways, I am Rareaty. I am a fashonesta and my cutie mark is three dimonds.
Twilight Sparkle: Do not mind her.
Rareaty: Hey!!
Twilight: My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am a princess of friendship and my cutie mark is a star.
Will: Wow. Talking ponys.
Rainbow Dash: Who is cool? It is me. My name is Rainbow Dash. I love to race. My cutie mark is a cload with a red lighting bolt coming out of it.
Fluttershy: Um... Hi... My name is Fluttershy...I love animals... My cutie mark is three butterflys.
Princess Clestea: Hi Will. My name is Princess Clestea. I am co ruler of Equestrea and I made Twilight Sparkle an Alicorn. My cutie mark is the Sun. I raise the Sun.
Princess Luna:Hello Will. My name is Princess Luna. I am sisters with Princess Clestea and we are born Alicorns. My cutie mark is the moon. I raise the moon.
Princess Cadence: Nice to meet you Will. My name is Princess Cadence. I was made into an Alicorn because of my Alicorn father. My cutie mark is a hart. I spread love and happiness every where I go.
Shining Amor: There you are sweet hart. Oh, hi Will. My name is Shining Amor. I am married to Princess Cadence.
Cadence: Hurry up. Shining. I want to see how Discord and the other villins show them selfs.
Shining: Anyways, my cutie mark is a shild. I am captain of the royal guards.
Discord: Hello Will.
Cadence: Yes.
Discord: My name is Discord. I was a villin until Fluttershy re formed me.I do not have a cutie mark. I used to bring disharmony every where.
King Sombra: Will. Hehe. My name is King Sombra. I am evil. My cutie mark is black crystal. I used to bring fear and hatered to the crystal empire.
Queen Crytalis: Hi Will. My name is Queen Crystalis. I do not have a cutie mark. I take all love from any pony or any one in my way until I was beaten numeris times but only once in the my little pony show.
Night Mear Moon: Hahah- No not you ponys. You ponys are the elements of harmony. Hi Will. My name is Night Mear Moon. Fluttershy is Kindness, Rainbow Dash is loyalty, Rareaty is Genrosaty, Twiligt Sparkle is important, Magic, Twilight Sparkle is Magic, Pinkey Pie is Lagture, and AppleJack is Honesty. Those are the ponys that are the elements of harmony. I have no cutie mark. I used to be Luna and I rained terror by darkness over the land. Terck is not coming now.
Twilight: Good Bye.

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